Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just Some Randoms.

Thought I'd dump some of the recent phone pics on here. Have I mentioned I love having a camera on my phone? Great backup on those days when I don't want to lug around my big guns.
The boys are almost always in some sort of superhero gear. This particular morning I needed to get ready so put on Toy Story. Connor plopped down to watch, superhero gear and all. Melted my heart.
The other night Drew yelled at me to come to the kitchen quick. This guy had hopped in when he opened the door. I SO wished Brayden had been awake-- he LOVES frogs!
One morning last week I walked outside and was greeted with this. The earth declares the beauty of the Lord.
He's slowly losing all of his baby face and looking more and more like a big boy. Makes me so sad!
A few days ago Brayden ran into the house saying he had found a snake. I about had a heart attack, and was SO relieved to find that it was just a little lizard. It had a blue tail. We kept him in our container for a bit before returning him to "his mommy." ;)
We love sitting on the back porch in the morning together. Such sweet boys to hang with (most of the time).

*Speaking of photography and big girl cameras, I get a lot of questions about what gear I have, how I shoot, etc. I'd love to address some of the common questions I get in a blog post, so if you've ever had questions about my photography, will you leave a comment on this post, or if you're too shy to comment, feel free to shoot me an email instead? I'll compile everything and then make a post.

*While we're on the blogging subject, just thought I'd plug the fact that I am now taking sponsors! I'd love to spotlight your blog or business... You can find out my ad rates and more info on my menubar under the sponsor link. And if you sign up before August 31st, you can use the code startup10 to get 10% off your ad rate!

*The temps here have dropped drastically over the past week. We've gone from being over 100 degrees every day, to not getting out of the 80s. It's perfect, because it's still hot enough for the boys to run around barefoot, but not so hot that I have to worry about heat stroke or heat exhaustion. I even overheard Brayden say yesterday "thank you God for the weather!" I think he really gets it... that God gives us blessings even in the form of good weather!

*Connor can officially open all doors in our home now. This means that I spend a great deal running back and forth, between Brayden getting into things and Connor trying to escape and/or shove large amounts of dog food in his mouth. Brayden's not much further ahead of Connor in regards to age, but it's still funny how I've forgotten how tiring it is to have a curious 2 year old in the house. No wonder I was losing my mind when Connor was first born-- a newborn AND a 2 year old combined is like mixing fire and gasoline. You're bound for an explosion of mass proportions.

Happy Thursday!


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