How Far Along: 24 weeks, 3 days
Size of baby: 9 inches, 1.7 pounds, about the size of an eggplant
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 18 pounds. EEEK. I told yall I had gained more than 10 pounds. And mercy, I need to back off the cookie dough or this momma's gonna be a whale by the time the baby arrives!
Maternity Clothes: All maternity clothes, when I wear something other than sweats and a t-shirt.
Gender: BOY! Tyler Paul.
Movement: This boy is a MOVER. I also felt the first BIG jab and slide (where he either kicked me or elbowed me and then slid his limb across my belly) this week. It was awesome. Feeling my babies move is by far my favorite thing about pregnancy.
Sleep: I have not slept well this week. My allergies are attacking me, and I have had the worst stuffy/runny nose and throbbing sinus headaches you could imagine this week.
Symptoms: Just tired a lot. And I get achy by the end of the day. Nothing too unusual or off the charts as far as symptoms go.
What I miss: I SO miss sleeping on my tummy. I sometimes wake myself up at night trying to roll over onto my stomach.
Cravings: Mexican food and Cookie dough. And if you read the above weight gain section, you will see that this is the perfect combination to gain 8 pounds in one month.
Food Aversions: nada.
Best Moment this week: I had my glucola test this week. And while that was definitely not the best moment of the week, I did love watching Tyler get hyperactive, and kick the doppler every time my doctor put the wand on my belly.
What I am looking forward to: Praying I get good news that I passed the glucola test this week. Other than that, just looking forward to a week back to normal after having the sickies this past week.