Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect.

I mentioned previously that Brayden got a pair of baseball pants last weekend. It was a steal of a deal on craigslist. He was beyond thrilled, and has asked to wear them every day. He kind of reminds me of that kind on the old movie Little Giants, who wears his football gear to bed because he's so excited about the game. I'm pretty sure Brayden will be the same way. He'd sleep in his cleats if we let him.
I love that he loves sports. It reminds me so much of myself as a kid.
All I ever wanted to do was to play catch.
And now he's the same way. Always asking one of us to throw the ball.
And in case you're wondering, he asked where his baseball jersey was. Because the pants are just not complete without the jersey ;)
(NO idea where he learned to lift his leg like that. Hilarious!)
We can't wait till baseball season starts in March!

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