Friday, August 23, 2013

A Five on Friday and Insta-Friday Mashup.

You guys. I promise I'll get back to regular blogging. We are wrapping up summer this week, and I've just not had enough energy at the end of the day to get my thoughts together. Of course, as my luck would have it, I've laid my head on my pillow at 11pm with words to blog posts flowing through my mind, but no energy to get back out of bed to write. I'll get back to it. Someday. In the meantime, this is what we've been up to lately.
THE GOOD LIFE BLOGlife rearranged
(I'm combining my InstaFriday with a Five on Friday post as well, so I'm linked up on both Life Rearranged and Darci @ the Good Life Blog!)

Tyler had his 2 month check-up this week (only a month late, but hey, it happens). The big boys got a little bored, and at one point I looked over to see Brayden pretending to be a walrus. Thanks Wild Krats, for the imagination booster.
This is what happens when I have to take all 3 kids to the doctors office. So glad he's funny enough to give me some comic relief. #latergram
Seriously, this kid cracks me up. I love his little sense of humor coming out as he gets older.

He's such a good big brother.
People are always asking me how the boys have adjusted to Tyler, and really, things have gone surprisingly well. Brayden absolutely LOVES Tyler, and is very in tune to his needs and wants. It's so sweet watching him love his brother so well. He has begged to feed Tyler a bottle, and this week, his wish came true.

The babe cried all afternoon and evening. Which means momma gets a drink.
I tried this beauty for the first time this week. It won't be the last. So yummy, especially after a day where the wee one was crying for atleast 3 hours of the evening (OY VEY). Also, I told Drew that just holding a 24 oz can of alcohol made me feel a bit redneck. haha!

And now that my drink is out of the way, I'm going to treat myself to this, which is basically heaven in a jar.
You guys, if you have not had cookie nookie peanut butter and you like cookie dough and/or peanut butter, you NEED to try this. It is SO SO SO good. It's a bit pricey at almost $6 for a jar of it. BUT. It's basically heaven in your mouth. Trust me. You'll thank me later. (I got it at Walmart, but I know you can buy it online too).

Just realized I have poop on my shorts. And I went to the boys open house earlier today. Gotta love being a mom.
Thursday I had open house for the boys MDO program. Later that afternoon we went to the park to feed the ducks (where we had to literally stand on top of the picnic table so we wouldn't get attacked-- crazy ducks!). I looked down and noticed I had baby poop on my shorts. No idea how long it had been there. Awesome. Motherhood has a way of humbling you, doesn't it?!

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