I've also thought a lot lately about how having multiple kids is one of the best gifts of grace God has given me. For all the things that I messed up the first and second time around, I am able to get a third chance with Tyler. Not saying that I am getting it right this time around either, but atleast I get that chance.
And of all the things I've learned in parenting over the past 4 years is that life is fleeting. My days with babies can be so, so hard and exhausting. But in the grand scheme of parenting, it is but a tiny moment.
And so, I've really cherrished every little moment with Tyler. I have been sad to see the newborn phase come and go so quickly, and yet, even in the sadness of realizing that this is more than likely my last time in this phase with my own kids, I have relished in the new phases that Tyler has grown into.
His little personality has come out and it is AWESOME. After having a third child, I am confident that Drew and I produce the most social children ever created. Tyler is happy and content if people are around him. He loves to watch his brothers play, and kicks his little legs whenever he sees them out having fun.
Tyler is probably one of the happiest babies I have been around. If he has a clean diaper, a full tummy and is well rested, the boy will just sit and grin and talk to whoever is willing to lend him some time. I joke with people that I prayed it into him. I think God knew I probably couldn't handle another refluxy/colicky baby.
Tyler had his 2 month well visit today. He's only a month late ;). He's officially a chunker, weighing in at 15lbs 7oz. That's 90th percentile if you're keeping track. He's just over 24 inches long, which lands him in the 50th percentile.We just love our big boy and are so grateful for all he brings to our family.
:: 3 Month Highlights ::
- 15.5lbs, 24 inches long.
- wearing size 3 diapers all the time now (we just ran out of size 2's today).
- wearing an assortment of clothes sizes. Size 3-6 months is getting pretty snug in a lot of his outfits, so I've pretty much gone to 6 months and 6-9 month clothing.
- He's finally fell into a pretty predictable schedule, which makes everyone happy. Right now he eats 6 times a day, every 3 hours. He stays awake for about an hour, and will take a nap in the morning, one in the afternoon and a cat nap before dinner. He's awake longest before bedtime (usually about 1.5 hrs).
- He's still getting breastmilk exclusively, although he gets a lot of bottles. I went through a rough patch of breastfeeding this past month, and we just figured it was best for all involved for me to pump a lot more than feed. Out of his 6 feeds in a day, atleast 2-3 of them are actually nursing. When he takes a bottle, he takes anywhere from 4-6 ounces.
- He is FINALLY sleeping through the night (PRAISE JESUS!). This means that I don't feel like a walking zombie.
- His naps are hit and miss. He still sleeps primarily in the swing for naptime. Past Lindsey would have FREAKED OUT about this scenario. Present Lindsey realizes that there are limitations that one must face when being the mother of 3 children. Momma aint got no time to be trying to figure out optimal waketimes, when to swaddle, how high to turn on the sound machine, etc, during the day with no one else around to make sure the bigs don't do something to (a)destroy the house and/or (b) injure themselves. If a swing is where Ty will nap in peace and everyone else is allowed to remain unscathed, he'll nap in the swing.
- Smiles & coos up a storm. He's also found his feet, although he hasn't realized he can grab them yet.
- rolls from tummy to back and is trying really hard to roll from back to tummy.
We love you Tyler Paul, and are so grateful that God has given us the gift of your life!