Drew and I try our best to spend time with the big boys every evening reading and recapping our day. I'm so glad to have a forward facing camera on my new phone to capture these moments.

I braved the library this week with all 3 boys. It only lasted about 20 minutes, but we were able to nab a few fun books. On this particular night, we introduced the boys to Where's Waldo. They are now hooked, and love to read "that book with the man holding a lot of books."

Connor asked to hold Tyler one morning. I had to laugh, as Tyler is nearly the same size as Connor. Brothers grow up fast :)

one morning I was reading to the boys and looked up to find Toby anxiously anticipating Tyler to throw the ball. Didn't work out that well for him.... ;)

I found some cute athletic shirts at Walmart the other day for Brayden. He was SO excited to have a shirt just like his daddy.

some days are really, really long around here. I love my life, but sometimes I just need a moment of silence to save my brain from exploding. Which means that some nights I eat sweets for dinner. I was so happy to also find a free giftcard in my bag to try out the new milkshake at Chick-Fil-A. There's always a silver lining, even on the hard days.

The glory of bad days is that you can always look forward to a new day in the morning. And that was not any truer than Thursday morning. After our long, hard Wednesday, I woke up to this happy baby, who had a complete change of heart from Wednesday evening, and was all smiles. Love the joy he brings to our lives!
I don't know about you, but I'm so glad it's the weekend. We're kick starting ours with a date tonight, of which I couldn't be more excited about. Hope you've got fun things planned too!