(I'm linking up with Faith for her Christmas Card Carosel-- you can view more cards by visiting her blog!)
This year I outsourced the Christmas card production. 3 kids and I was waving the white flag to designing our own. Plus, Zazzle ran an awesome Groupon deal that I couldn't pass up. I love how the card turned out, especially our family pictures (thanks to Bethany Blair Photography!). Also, I was hoping that all of the cards I sent out would get there before I posted this; but thanks to someone stealing the few remaining cards I hadn't mailed out (I'm sure they were sorely disappointed to only find pictures of our family on the insides of those unmailed envelopes).
We hope that your family has the Merriest of Christmases, and is able to find joy in remembering the TRUE meaning of Christmas-- that God sent his son, Jesus, as the greatest gift for all mankind.