Looking at our fall schedule, I wasn't even sure if we would make it to the pumpkin patch this year. But Connor kept insisting that we go (I think he is my traditions boy... he remembers everything we have done and will not let me forget it!), so we found a spare few hours one afternoon several weekends ago to make it happen.

I tried to take pictures at the beginning of our trip in order to have happy faces. I'm not sure there is ever a successful time to take pictures of 3 boys. They're much more interested in active things than sitting stagnantly with fake smiles for their mom.

Can't believe how big they all 3 have gotten. Halfway through our trip at the farm I looked at Drew and said "in four years, this won't be that awesome to them anymore." Sad reality of growing babies.

Connor was the only one who braved the ponies. He was all smiles the whole time.

feeding the animals was a highlight.

the boys had asked if they'd be big enough for the peddle cars this year, to which I had responded negatively (the big ones are huge!). We were so excited to see that the farm had added smaller karts for younger children. The boys had a blast pretending to be race car drivers.

Tyler helped Daddy drive a big one.

Brayden and Drew tried their hands (or feet, rather) at human foose ball.

trying to get other people to use my camera is always interesting. This was the best we could get of the family as we were headed out on the hay ride to feed the cows.

Since the entry fee into a lot of the pumpkin patches can be a bit pricey, we let the boys "pretend" to pick out a pumpkin and then went back to Walmart to get the ones we'll carve. Not sure we'll get away with that next year-- Connor let me hear it when he realized we didn't actually purchase the one he had found. ha!

we closed out our pumpkin evening fun hanging out with friends. Look at all of these Razorback boys! So grateful for such great friends that the boys can grow up with... we are so blessed!