Friday I was able to get some errands done. Since Brayden has grown so fast, I was/am scared that the 12 month clothes I bought for him at the Rhea Lana's consignment would be too small by the end of the winter season. So we headed to a mom's of multiples consignment sale and picked up a few items. My favorite items were 2 pairs of Robeez and 1 pair of Robeez off brands-- all for a total of $11! Those that know me know I was needing some Robeez for B because he kept kicking off his traditional shoes, and so the nursery workers at church would just take them off and stash them in the diaper bag. I also picked up a few pairs of 18 month jeans and a few shirts too, so if (which is a very probable if) B outgrows his clothes, I have a few to fall back on. Friday evening Drew took care of Brayden so I could attend a baby shower. I took pictures, but unfortunately I took them with my friend's camera, so sadly I have no fun pictures to share with you. She's having a little boy also, so it was fun to watch her open up all of the little outfits and reminisce about Brayden being that tiny not so long ago. When I got home, Drew and I had a couch date, and caught up on the new episodes for FlashForward (GREAT new show on ABC... if you haven't watched it, I would recommend it... but it is addicting so beware!) and The Office. Due to the bad weather the night before, we were only able to watch meteorologists, not our fave shows :( I love it when Drew will watch TV with me, so it was definitely a special treat and a highlight of the weekend for sure!
Trying to work up a smile
A combo scrunchy face, smile. He resembles chucky here don't you think?
The 2 loves of my life
love, love, love this picture!
"Hey Mom, this gourd looks like a good one!"
My little love.
Brayden the Farmer with Daddy the produce :)
A smile for Daddy
my little family... can you tell we love this kid?!?
After Brayden's nap on Saturday we decided to visit the local pumpkin patch. Ever since I became pregnant with B, I've been dreaming of this moment. Unfortunately all of the rain we got on Thursday and Friday made it a little muddy, but we went prepared with the Bumbo and boots :) Brayden was in a good mood, but was less than ready to take pictures. The visit was relatively uneventful, except ofcourse when Drew decided to set Brayden on top of a pumpkin and he toppled over into the dirt. To make matters worse, it was witnessed by several other pumpkin lovers. I am sure that the women around were shaking their heads. Brayden took the tumble like a champ though, and only cried for 1.2 seconds. After the tumble we chased down someone who also had a DSLR and asked him to take a family picture. If you have a DSLR, you know why we did this. People just are so used to the tiny cameras doing EVERYTHING for you, that they don't know how to zoom with a normal lens, let alone look through a viewfinder). We called it a day after that, cooked dinner when we got home, and watched the LSU/Florida game.This picture was shot as he was tumbling off of the pumpkins. He ended up landing on his left side, face down in the mud.
Sunday was a rest day, so the only thing we really did was go to church and have community group at our house. I made the delicious cake that I posted about yesterday... thankfully most of our group brought leftovers home with them, otherwise Drew and I would be gaining a few pounds this week... HA!