I found this awesome website that hosts different photo challenges. They are not contests, just things to make you think out of the box. Since I have a hard time doing just that, I figured this should help me bloom a bit with my photography skills and ideas. If you are into photography, check out their site (I've linked it on the right).. It's pretty awesome. And now for this week's challenge.

My husband. Sometimes we fight like cats and dogs. But he makes me laugh, challenges me, and completes me. I don't know what I'd do without him, and my life is sweeter because of him.
My son. People always told me I would never truly know what love was until I had children. I agree. This little person is my heart wandering earth outside my body.
My dog. While I don't love my dog as much as my son, the love for an animal comes in very close to the love for a child. Toby is quite possibly the best dog on earth.
My parents. Almost 30 years and still in love.
My camera. I love photography. Being able to express yourself without words is poetic (I know, you're thinking that's an oxymoron, but if you think about it, it's not. And even if it was, I was never good at poetry and literature, so I guess it just fits me-ha!). It provides an outlet for me to show the world the simple joys of my life.
The Beach. Do I really have to say anything more? Shhhh.... if you look at the picture long enough, you'll hear the waves.
Board Games. I love playing games with friends and family. Plus, I am a bit competitive, so I like to play to win.
Board Games. I love playing games with friends and family. Plus, I am a bit competitive, so I like to play to win.
TV. It's my way of destressing. (PS-- yes, this is really my tv that we STILL use. See, I was thinking this tv would croak right after we got married, so agreed with Drew that we wouldn't get a new one until it did. Surprise-- JVC televisions are like the immortal tvs. If we have tvs in Heaven, you can rest assured they will be JVC's. This baby's been going strong for 20+ years.
My flipflops. If I could wear them year-round, I would.I have plenty of others, but these are the first things that cross my mind.