For those of you who know me, you know I'm no politician. I don't like to beat around the bush, curtly dancing on some line between right and left, not trying to step on anyone's toes. That's just not how I roll. I just don't see the point in trying not to hurt someone's feelings, when we all know that sooner or later, that certain someone will be offended anyhow, because the truth, the REAL truth, always comes out. Somehow, someway.
Last night Drew and I had the privilege of attending a banquet for a local pregnancy center. It was our second year to go, and I always feel moved. But this year, this year was different. I have my own sleeping babe at home. I have been awakened to a parents love. I have gone through the pregnancy, birth and post-partum process. So this year, I suppose my heart was extra sensitive. The key note speaker was Dr. Tony Levatino, an OB/GYN and former abortionist. His story is incredible. It's heart breaking, shocking, gut wrenching and TRUTHFUL. I am sure that his story makes Satan shutter in his fire feet. Dr. Levatino stepped up to the podium, introduced himself, and quickly went into graphic detail of a 2nd trimester abortion. Props and all. GRAPHIC. I am pretty sure a minute into his description I wanted to throw up every ounce of chicken and salad I had previous devoured. If you'd like to read his exact words, his exact description of what he did day in and day out for almost 10 years, you can read it HERE. I must forewarn you, it is graphic and disturbing. But it's the truth. Hiding from the truth does not make it go away. Abortion is abortion. There are no niceties about it. I'm not here to beat you over the head with my bible, picket your fence, or yell at you for voting a certain way. But I believe that abortion is murder. I believe that it kills the baby, wounds the woman and definitely wound the doctor performing it. Don't believe me? Click on that link above. Medically necessary you say? How about talking to my friends who were told that their baby would not live, that the mere fact that my friend was pregnant was risking her life as well. They believed that life is not ours to give or take. And today, that baby that should have been aborted according to many in the medical community, is alive, well and completely healthy. So is mom. God is bigger than a medical textbook. My God is BIG. He is AWESOME. And He is SOVEREIGN.
One thing that really stuck out to me during their testimony is the unwavering spirit of those who came beside them, with grace, and showed them the greater grace of Jesus (ever heard that verse, "...but He gives a greater grace..." LOVE IT!). They urged everyone attending to not hold lightly the fact that God is bigger. To pray for the abortionist. Pray for their family (they spoke of the struggle and torment it brought to the entire family, not just Dr. Levatino). I was so convicted. I pray. Sometimes. But rarely do I pray for the doctor committing such callous, for lack of a better term (or perhaps it's the best one), murder. So I have decided that every morning, I will pray for the local (we only have 1 abortionist in the area) doctor that performs abortions. For his wife. His children. It's what God wants me to do. Grant them grace, and never give up. For "He gives a GREATER grace" than I can bestow, but I must show His grace first. He'll do the rest.