This weekend was nothing but spectacular with fall weather, our first frost, the Hogs narrowly missing a win over #1 Florida and our first Sunday back in the church nursery. It was definitely a weekend to remember.
Friday was Brayden's 6 month appointment, and for the first time since 1 month, we were able to see Dr. D. I know I already posted about our visit, but I cannot reiterate enough how excited we are to return to Dr. D. We didn't necessarily poor care at our interim (interim meaning from the time we switched from military to civilian, and before the recent job change) doctor, but definitely below the high bar that Dr. D and his staff gave us from the get go. It was a joyous reunion by all! Brayden is 75th percentile in everything now, so he's now even! We still get the whole "man your kid is big" comments, but I guess I'd rather have a big boy than a puny one! Drew and I spent yet another Friday night catching up on our Thursday night primetime favorites, FlashForward, Grey's Anatomy (ok, Grey's is mine, but still...) and The Office.
Saturday was an intentional picture day. The maples have officially peaked this weekend, and we wanted to take full advantage of that by taking B around some of the sites around town and getting some fall pictures (without pumpkins and gourds). Thankfully Brayden was SO cooperative and actually sported his new trick for us too-- sitting up all on his own! He still flops back occasionally, but is steadily gaining strength where even that is a rare occurrence. I was SO happy and SO proud. I was really hoping he'd be sitting up on his own by the time the leaves peaked, that way his dedication picture would be bumbo-free. AND IT WAS! This is the picture we picked out to use for his baby dedication:
I mean, I know I am biased and all, but oh my goodness. Kissable goodness. And what might be making him smile so cute you ask? Well, glad you asked. The answer would be "his daddy calling the Hogs!" hahahaha.We were definitely a sight to behold. We had the stroller, my camera gear, the dog, the bumbo, and a blanket, and we were (loudly) calling the Hogs. All for a picture. To add to the humor of this picture, also get a whiff of dog doo doo, because, yep, somewhere in the midst of the leaves was a big dog turd. We never found it, but dang it stunk so bad! We snapped away and then got out of dodge. I was so worried that B would roll over and fall right into something hidden underneath the leaves. Definitely would have been a moment made for the baby book. Thankfully that story is left unwritten! Some of my other favorites from the day of our fall picture extravaganza 2009 include the following:
This pic came in 2nd for the dedication picture
I appropriately have titled this one "Baby Flower Power". If only I had a wide angle lens, this pic would be even more awesome.
Brayden: "No Toby. If I have to sit here and do this, so do you. Don't you even think of running out of this frame!"
This was taken closer to the end of the shoot. We were still trying to squeeze smiles out of him.
Big bench, little boy
And ofcourse, what photoshoot is completely without the scrunchy face? Drew actually calls B Mr. Snotrocket now, because he literally makes this face ALL the time.
When we finished up with the shoot, we hurried home, put Brayden down for a nap, and started watching the Razorback game. I have to be honest, I really didn't think we had a chance against the Gators. All I was really hoping for is that the Hogs at least kept it respectable... you know, a close one. Oh my goodness those boys came to play! They shut ol' Timmy down for most of the game, stuffing his face in the dirt 6 times! Go get 'em Hogs! But alas, we crumbled in the final hour, true to Razorback form. Brayden was up to watch the end of the game, and his reaction mirrored our own:
While you really can't put the blame on one single person, Tejada really needs to be let go. He croaks under pressure way too easily. Not that we even have an option behind him, but it's what need's to be done. But, I say if you can't beat 'em, knock 'em down! Bama jumped Florida in the polls this weekend, so at least we did something to them. Not that I really like Bama. In fact, I abhore Alabama. Their fans are incredibly annoying. Rumor has it that I almost got into a fight with a drunk Bama fan (and I was not drunk I should point out) after a game in college. So there you go Bama, my one little hoo-rah for you is over. Ahem. Moving on...
OK, actually he was probably more mad that he was stuck under the couch, but Drew and I probably looked like this when the Hogs lost
While you really can't put the blame on one single person, Tejada really needs to be let go. He croaks under pressure way too easily. Not that we even have an option behind him, but it's what need's to be done. But, I say if you can't beat 'em, knock 'em down! Bama jumped Florida in the polls this weekend, so at least we did something to them. Not that I really like Bama. In fact, I abhore Alabama. Their fans are incredibly annoying. Rumor has it that I almost got into a fight with a drunk Bama fan (and I was not drunk I should point out) after a game in college. So there you go Bama, my one little hoo-rah for you is over. Ahem. Moving on...
Sunday we resumed baby duty in the church nursery. We'll be serving every other week, so this will be a regular occurrence. Of course, our child was the most needy of them all today. It could be because we now will be going to church during his nap time, And what Babywise baby likes to be thrown off schedule? Poor dear. I also forgot how much little boys pee when they are exposed to air. Thankfully I was not in the line of fire, but definitely had my scare! It went as well as can be expected, and I actually felt good about getting my hands "dirty" again. I always felt bad dropping Brayden off and not really helping out in any way with the children's ministry. In the afternoon we took Brayden & Toby to the park. The weather was amazing, and since Drew was with me, I felt confident enough to let B go down the slide (with parental help ofcourse!). He had SO much fun, as evidenced in the following photos.
going down with mommy
posing after one of his "runs"... and ofcourse, scrunchy face
ok, this picture is of him in action going down, but for some reason it is WAY washed out. I tried photoshop, but it didn't work either. I just had to put it on here because his face is priceless!
Don't you wish you had it this easy?
Tobes got pooped out after running after the tennis ball for 30 minutes!
And that was our weekend my friends. Hope you all have a great week and enjoy the fall-- it feels like it won't be around for long! We have 6 month shots today, so if you think about it, keep us in your prayers. Shot days are generally no fun :(
PS-- some of our friends, Katie and Jason, lost their precious baby girl a few days after birth earlier this year. To honor Reese, and her sweet life, she is asking people to write her name with different objects, etc. Below is my entry for her name gallery. It was my first attempt at light writing-- pretty fun, and a great purpose to start with!
PS-- some of our friends, Katie and Jason, lost their precious baby girl a few days after birth earlier this year. To honor Reese, and her sweet life, she is asking people to write her name with different objects, etc. Below is my entry for her name gallery. It was my first attempt at light writing-- pretty fun, and a great purpose to start with!