My bloggy (I'm not really sure that's even the right definition, but it sounded cool) friend Laura participates in blog hops quite frequently and I thought I would join in on the fun today. If you've never participated in blog hops I encourage you to take the plunge... they're pretty fun and you meet lots of other bloggers in the process.
1. Would you ever vacation alone?
Probably not. I am kind of a weany when it comes to being by myself (which is weird, since I classify myself as a homebody). I guess I crave vacation time with my hubs, so I would more than likely want him along for the adventure.
2. Do you go the speed limit?
Sort of. I always go 5 over. Sometimes if I have to pee really bad I'll go a bit over that, but in general, I will go 5 over.
3. Why did you start blogging/following blogs?
I started following blogs back when Drew was deployed. Partly because I had nothing better to do and partly because I had a few friends from college who were overseas and it was my way to keep up with their life. I started a blog just to write down funny things that happened to me or to type out my soap box rants, but in the last year it really has become a journal of my life, especially my personal growth as a photographer, wife and mom. My goal now is to try and make my blog into a book for my son so that he can have journaled pictures of the significant things we've done as a family.
4. Where do you shop for yourself?
My favorite place is Banana Republic, but I only go there if I can get to their factory store. If it's not Banana, then it's Gap, Forever 21, Target or Old Navy. I ALWAYS shop the sales racks though, so don't look at my list and think I have a closet full of high dollar items.
5. What was the song that you danced your first dance with your spouse to at your wedding... or... what song would you like your first dance to be to?
Sadly, we didn't dance at our wedding. I really didn't want to dance with everyone looking at us and so I nixed the whole dancing thing and just had jazzy Christmas music playing in the background during the reception.