This weekend was SO much fun. I feel like Brayden is finally at the age where we can take him somewhere and we all enjoy the same things... together. Definitely puts a smile in my heart.
Saturday we had B's first swim lessons (it's in an indoor pool-- don't worry!). I figured he'd like it since he squeals with delight when he sees us running his bath water, but I think like it is an understatement. The boy started kicking and splashing the minute we stepped foot in the water, and I felt like he didn't quit until we got out. He was in HEAVEN.
Right after we stepped foot in the pool... such a happy boy!
The other moms were laughing because B was doing everything the teacher was asking us to do with our kids, but he was doing it on his own! There are about 10 other kids in the class with us, and Brayden was one of the most active. He especially liked the part of class where we would throw a toy and then he would "swim" to the toy. We did that for about 10 minutes.
Swimming after his toy
At the end of class we do a submersion... it's just a little dunk, but it's to start the process of getting them used to having their head under water. Brayden was pretty surprised by it and a little scared I think, but he never cried. I am so excited to start this swimming process with him (he'll take classes every quarter from here on out). After the class, Drew left for work and so B and I had a date at Sam's club. While I was on my way to get milk, one of the taste tester ladies started talking with B. He kind of just sat there with this blank face (which is not like him, as you'll read later). Then the lady looked at me and asked me how old my DAUGHTER was. Clearly the woman wasn't paying attention, as he was wearing his new Razorback windsuit (sidenote: I bought this windsuit brandnew at the consignment shop for $6!!! I was SO excited!) and was sporting his mohawk (thanks to his daddy!).sporting his windsuit before we left for swim class
I quickly corrected her by saying "HE is 9 months." {smile}. Then she says "Oh, well you're much too pretty to be a boy!" Excuse me, Maam, was that supposed to be your way to rectify calling my son a girl? Because if so, it's lame. My son is handsome. Thank you very much. What's funny is throughout the entire exchange Brayden never cracked a smile at her. Ha!Sunday we went to church. I prepared a 6 oz bottle for B, but when we got to the nursery B was crying. They said that he started crying when he finished his bottle and kept reaching for it saying "ba ba". This was the first time someone else had noticed he was saying "ba ba" for his bottle, so it's official that his first word is "bottle." He's said dada and momma before, but not with as much authority as bottle. He has a strong affection for food ;o) I then felt so bad that he needed more milk. I am in total learning phase right now because I just don't know how much to put in the kid's bottle! Sometimes he'll down 8 ounces like I've never fed him, but then there are times where he'll leave a good 2-3 ounces in the bottle. In an effort not to waste breastmilk I have averaged out his feedings so that he'll get 8 in the AM, 6 for the two subsequent feeds and then 8-9 before he goes to bed. I clearly don't have it as figured out as I though I did. Bummer. Moving on...
After church we ventured down to Sear's to replace Drew's drill. B and I stayed in the food court and ate lunch while Drew shopped, since it was way past B's lunchtime. While we were there I noticed that he was kind of dancing (there was a piano player in the food court), so I started dancing with him. He would dance back... it was the cutest thing! I was feeding him from my plate, and noticed he kept smiling randomly. It was then I realized he was smiling at all of the ladies that were sitting around us (mean at different tables all around us). SO funny! The kid was flirting!
This is his flirty/playing smile that he sports quite often these days. This was actually taken on Friday, but I had to show it so yall would believe me.
This is at the very end of a flirty face at the mall today.
He soon had the attention of about 4 women and kept making his scrunchy face smile at them and then kind of fake laughing. Oh my goodness.... he's such a ham! I tried to catch it on camera, but clearly he's already won my affection so I don't get the goofy faces nearly as often :) On a completely separate note from the weekend, I had to share of some new things B is doing. He LOVES to chew on anything and everything he can sink his teeth into, which includes our furniture now.
Our kid chews on our furniture, not our dog. SWEET.
Showing off his silly face... I mean, the boy knows how to ham it up, what can I say?!
He can also pull up to the tables, and try to get whatever is in sight. AWESOME.
I have a basket filled with toys for Brayden in our living room. He's realized that he can go in and pull it all out. It's SO cute!
We have a big week ahead of us as our schedule swings into full gear with an exercise class 3 days a week. I've never exercised in a group setting (actually, I don't really remember the last time I exercised) so it should be pretty interesting. Brayden and I will also be preparing to go and visit my family. I am really looking forward to seeing my siblings and hanging out with everyone, and also giving Drew some quiet time at home to work on school (he's going back for his MBA, so we've been trying to keep the house quiet and peaceful around here, which is hard with an infant!).