Actually, the first 15 minutes weren't that bad. The rain hit a stale mate for a few minutes when we got there, so we were able to get inside relatively dry. Brayden acted well the first couple of minutes, going from station to station and enjoying the animals.
Then, as the crowd grew, so did Brayden's intensity level and curiousity about things. Connor was left in the middle of aisles at many points of the time we were there. Thank God no one kidnapped him. I thought it would be a good idea to try and get dinner there, since they were giving free beans and rice away. Not a good idea. Brayden wanted to see the animals, not eat. At that point, Connor was SCREAMING. People were literally staring at me, I'm sure wondering who on earth would let their infant child scream for so long without doing something. Well, I'll tell you who. Someone who has a two year old who's trying to eat the chicken crap filled hay, squish the baby chickens guts out, and run around like a wild animal himself in the mud and dirt (the equine center has dirt floors-- B was in heaven). Lord have mercy. I finally threw in the towel and just asked a friend to throw away our half eaten bowls of beans and cornbread, and hauled both kids (both of whom were screaming too) out of the center. One lady commented to me about how scared Brayden must have been of the animals. Which is laughable, considering he wasn't scared in the slightest, and that she would even comment at the commotion I was making at all is kind of ridiculous. At this point I was COVERED in dirt and mud, since I was trying to hold Brayden, who had dirty rain boots on (thankfully I had at least had the forethought to put him in boots instead of tennis shoes). Brayden kicked his boots off on the way to the car, so I had to stop, in the rain, and gather up his boots, lugging him, and the stroller back to the car. AWESOME. I called Drew, snapped something at him (I wasn't nice-- I'll be honest) about getting dinner ready for B, and then quickly hung up because my nerves were fried and I wasn't being nice anyways. And that, was our excursion to Farm Friends. I'll leave you with some more joyous pictures from the first several minutes of our outing. Next year, you can bet your bottom dollar I am bringing someone else along for this shindig. That is, if I gather enough courage to even go at all. Ha!

Brayden and his friends Jack and Laci

before implosion 2011

He was right in the middle of telling me that it was a "ba bah"

To blow off steam after I got home with the boys, I left them with Drew and went to get a few things from Walgreens and Walmart (I know some of you probably read that and scratched your head, wondering how I could blow off steam by grocery shopping. But trust me, once you have kids, it's the mundane things in life done with no kids that allows you to relax the most... I promise!). I got another good coupon deal at Walgreens on Easter candy. $1 per bag for M&M's and Jelly beans.
Here's how I got the deal:
Walgreens had the candy on sale for 2 bags for $4
They had an in store Walgreens coupon $1/2 bags
making the subtotal $3 for 2 bags
I had a manufacturers coupon $1/2 bags
making the subtotal $2 for 2 bags, plus tax.
I did 2 separate transactions, since I had to use two different M&M's coupons from Walgreens, and they state you can only use one per transaction.
And last but certainly not least, my favorite video from the Farm Friends extravaganza. Seriously, I laugh so hard watching this video. I'm sure it's only because it's my child, but nonetheless, FUNNNN-NEEEE. Happy weekend folks!