My parents left.
The boys BOTH woke up on the wrong side of the bed. This means that I had to correct Brayden over a million times for the same thing. Connor, who is normally very laid back and happy, cried the entire afternoon, with the exception of a few minutes we spent outside. I took these pictures during our few moments of sanity in the backyard.

When we went back inside, the whining and crying commenced. I was about to pull my hair out, so we decided to go for a walk. That was great until we got back. Then I let the dog inside. The dog, who, unbeknown to me, had been laying in the mud while we were gone. At that moment (the one with the dog running inside), the straw broke the cameels back. Because you see, the dog ran laps in the kitchen, which in turn left mud EVERYWHERE. Considering I had two babies and also houseguests coming in town on Wednesday, I had no choice but to mop the floors. After a HARD day with the boys. I really thought at that moment I might kill Toby.
I started breathing deeply and was somehow able to keep it together until Drew got home (thankfully I had the capacity of mind to forewarn him of my lack of patience and energy). I was sent out of the house (kindly) to have a peaceful dinner and return when the boys would both be in bed. I sat at Taco Bueno last night in peace, thanking God for the awesome husband that He has given me, refreshed my mental state, and was able to get home, mop the floors AND go to bed at 9:30. I'm still tired, but I am hopeful that we'll have better moments today.And for the record, I don't want this post to sound like Debbie Downer. I just had one of those mom days where it seems like your kids and everything else was just going against you from the get go. I love my boys, and despite the crazies that make up our life, I wouldn't trade it for the world.