New Jammies! Brayden was SO excited when he saw them, and then he was utterly disappointed when he found out he'd have to wait until Christmas Eve NIGHT to wear them.
Papaw and Brayden played piano on our tablet.
Mamaw entertained Con-con
we made sugar cookies for Santa. I thought that I would try the food coloring markers instead of icing. I'm still not quite sure which one is messier, so we'll probably go back to icing next year. I hear Santa likes iced cookies better ;)
all bundled up after a walk around the neighborhood. He loves talking on the phone now :)
his dimples get me every time... but don't let him know ;)
Brayden rode his bike around the block with Mamaw and Papaw and then came inside looking all sweaty.
Later that afternoon, we took the boys to the Christmas Eve service at our church. They have a kid friendly service. And I am so thankful that they do, because towards the end during the singing of Silent Night, both of my boys decided to throw the world's largest tantrums. It was the pinnacle of irony, as the words "silent night" flowed from our mouths and the sounds of disgruntled children bellowed from both of our boys.
the first song that we sand was Jingle Bells. This is by far B's favorite Christmas carol to sing, so he was in heaven during the first 5 minutes. It was downhill from there though. He was not amused that children only get glow sticks. He wanted a REAL candle.
When we got home, Brayden and I cooked our birthday cake for Jesus. My mom started this tradition with him last year, and I plan on doing this from here on out. Brayden LOVES it, and I think it helps him understand that Christmas is Jesus' birthday a bit better.
Brayden gets a bit distracted by his tummy during cake making... notice where the whisk is headed? ;)
Once we made the cake we got ready for bed. Both boys were so happy to put on their new Elmo jammies.
we set out cookies and a "letter" to Santa (please note that this picture was actually taken on Christmas morning... Santa had clearly gotten into all of the cookies- haha!) Brayden told me that his letter asked for Santa to bring him a red present. No. Idea.
Once the boys were in bed we were like gift-wrapping fools, since I had put off wrapping anything before Christmas. I just didn't want to endure that battle for weeks on end. This was the scene before we finally laid our heads on the pillow.
Baby Jesus. THE reason for the season.
Part 3 coming soon.... Christmas Day.....