Life here is pretty mundane most days. And I'm perfectly ok with that. I'm a home body and love nothing more than staying in my pjs all day rocking out to Cedarmont Kids and playing cars, trucks and trains. Which is precisely what we did this afternoon, all while the beautiful sun streamed into our front room. I realized the lighting was ideal for pictures, so grabbed the camera and started snapping away at our time with toys.
chubby baby hands are the best.
(I got this monster for $1 in the after Christmas clearance at Walmart. I think it's my boys favorite toy, which cracks me up)
I asked him to smile. Instead I got "strong muscles."
He told me he was ready to be a cowboy.
I love our crazy life. And I love my boys. Afternoons like these are so sweet to me, and make me realize that I need to cherish every moment, because all too soon they'll be locking me out of their room saying "no girls allowed." :)