Hi yall! I promise I've not fallen off the face of the earth. Our life has been crazy busy this week. It was a good crazy busy, but it was also exhausting. So much so that I just didn't really have energy to blog by the end of the day. So I didn't.
I have found that winter has been a lull in our lives. Drew is in the most demanding class by far for his MBA. He'll be done in 5 weeks. Like, done done. No more classes. No more papers. No more studying. Just work and family for him for here on out. If you think you hear singing, you probably do. It's me and the angels singing the hallelujah chorus.
Because Drew's been so strapped down by school, it means our weekends haven't been near as fun as normal. I have mixed emotions about this. On one hand, it's kind of nice having down time on the weekends. On the other, not having a husband around to help with kids means that my weekends are nothing more than an extension of my work week. It's HARD. And trying. I'm so so grateful this is the last of school. So we didn't do much this weekend. Just hung out at home, pulled babies from tables (yes, Connor can climb on top of the end tables now), broke up countless bickering sessions between brothers, and of course, no weekend is complete in our household without a lunch trip to Sam's Club.
That was it. That was all we did. We live an extravagantly exciting life, don't we? ha! I promise to do better about keeping updated. I'm hoping to whip out the camera soon to snap some pics of the boys.... it's been too long :) And just because this picture makes me laugh, I'll leave you with a shot of Brayden from Friday. He came in the living room announcing that he had dressed himself. Really buddy, I would have never guessed ;)
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago