Saturday morning we woke up bright and early (not that that's really a change to our schedule... our children wake up before the roosters) and headed down to Fayetteville to meet up with our good friends, the Allens. Katie and I left for a mountain biking excursion while the daddies stayed home with all of the children... 5 children to be exact, all ranging from 4 to 10 months. The boys did awesome and the girls had a great time (and I didn't fall off my bike this time, which is a major improvement from last weekend). After the bike ride we headed to the pool for some family fun. I didn't bring my camera, or my cell phone, so no pics of the fun outings :(
Saturday afternoon I got a pedicure in while the boys were sleeping. When they woke up we headed over to our neighbors house for a swimming party. We've been blessed to have great neighbors at our new house. They have a pool, and have been gracious to invite us over a few times for a swim. Their grandson was turning 4, and since he and Brayden get along so well, they invited us over for the party. We had loads of fun and left the party full and exhausted. Again, no pictures. Clearly I failed in the photography department this weekend.
Sunday was Father's Day. We gave Drew the gift of sleeping in. Honestly, I'm surprised he was able to sleep in as late as he did (8:30), as our house becomes like the Northwest Arkansas circus once the boys are up. The boys were running laps in the hallway, counting down and then racing each other, and then periodically checking in on dad by yelling at the door "Daddddddyyyyyyyyy!" Somehow Drew managed to still sleep, and we prepared a nice breakfast for the king when he awoke from his slumber. Brayden was SO excited this year to give him his father's day gift that he picked out (a Razorback polo shirt), and his card. B had almost slipped several times this week about the surprise, and whenever I would remind him that the present was a secret between only he and I, he would giggle and say 'Otay" and walk away :) Love that kid. After church Drew went mountain biking with a friend, and we met up at the local splash park when he was done. The boys had a blast sipping on sonic drinks and enjoying the water. And they got a real trip when the ice cream truck came by and we let them get popsicles. Double bonus for the littles.

Waiting on Connor to wake up from his nap so we could leave for the splash park. He drives me nuts sometimes, but I love him so much!

sippin' on Sonic at the Splash pad. Doesn't get much better!

Can't believe my baby is almost 19 months old!

hooray for the ice cream truck!

what a mess.

dang you camera. I have no idea why it chose to focus on the bricks. My boys love their daddy so much

no one can make Brayden laugh more than Drew

gotta love the awesome 3 year old awkward faces

So blessed to call all 3 of them mine. How did I get so lucky?!
We have a fun week in store, especially for momma, who leaves for a girls trip on Thursday for a bit of alone time with my besties. Yall can pray for Drew who will have the boys for 3 straight days ;)