You guys... I finished my chevron stacked frame tonight! After much bickering, internal strife over not knowing how to even start a chevron taping job, and questioning whether I really had it in me, I am here to tell you that I feel much accomplished and am VERY happy with the final product. I'm hoping to have pictures and some instructions (as I a hard time finding anything that was remotely helpful when it came to taping chevron print with painters tape) sometime next week. For now, I will show you the remainder of the rooms in my home (for those who may not have seen the other two bedrooms, you can click
Connor's room is the largest of the 3 extra bedrooms (not including the master). I've gone back and forth on what I want to do with it. I've said I want to make it the guest bedroom... and I may end up doing that. But I may end up putting Brayden and Connor in this room on down the line, if they ever want to debunk their bunkbeds, as this room allows for more layout options than the room Brayden is in currently. Because I know Connor won't be in this room that long, we've not really put anything on the walls or painted. Considering all Connor really does in the room right now is sleep and get dressed, I think he's OK with that :)

The view to the right, looking in from the doorway. To the left is his closet and a wall

the view from the back left corner. Plain Jane room. It won't be once it becomes either the guest room or the boys room. Oh, and that changing table is a $25 craigslist find. All we did was paint it and add some oil rubbed bronze knobs on it. I {heart} craigslist.
I love our master suite. It finally has enough room to fit our furniture-- we were a bit squished in the last master bedroom we had... to say the least!

The story on my bedroom furniture: A couple of years into our marriage Drew came home early from training with the Army National Guard. When I walked into our bedroom I was so surprised to find this bedroom set! We had saved our money for a set, but hadn't really found anything we could agree on, besides this set. Of course, as my luck would have it, it was the most expensive set at the furniture store, which meant it was out of our budget. Unbeknownst to me, Drew went back to the store and haggled a deal with them to make it right at our budget (this particular store always swears they don't do deals... I still don't know how Drew did it!) and surprised me. The story gets better. When I was inspecting my dresser, I realized that what they had delivered was not what was in the store... the set was not constructing the same way (the set in the store had dovetails, the one that was delivered did not), and was a lesser quality piece. After calling the store and finding out that the manufacturer had changed the way they made it, we were able to purchase the floor model for a discount and exchange what we had gotten for what we had really wanted. You couldn't tell it was the floor model at all, and the final cost ended up being way lower than what we had anticipated spending in the first place. How good is God for working that out for us?!

Some of the furniture details up close. I love it yall!

Toby sleeps on the floor next to my side of the bed. The dog pillow is ghetto fabulous. I need to get a new one, but always forget to get it whenever I am at the store.

My grandmother's hope chest sits at the end of our bed. This holds all of our childhood pictures. I love this chest. I think eventually I may refinish it, as it has some obvious wear and tear on it (the bottom drawer needs new runners, which is why it's not attached to the chest). For now, it works (and I love that the finish matches our bedroom furniture so well).

My bedspread needs to be replaced. Badly. It's actually fairly new, but it just hasn't held up that well at all. It's from Bed Bath and Beyond... and I've had it replaced... TWICE. The stitching just doesn't hold up at all and starts separating. So, I've been watching TJ Maxx for good quilt or duvet deals. I'm thinking I want something with a modern print on it, but neutral colors. And yes, that's a tv tray being used as a nightstand. I'm on the prowl for something on craigslist that I can refinish myself, and that's not super expensive. So far I've been unsuccessful. Here's an idea of what I'm looking for as a bedspread for our new Master bedroom:

The computer armoire is in our room for now. Eventually we'll have an office, but for now it's in our room. Drew would like for the back corner to eventually be a reading nook.

Our closet is really big, and is heated/cooled, which means it's perfect for sticking a pack-n-play in there when we have guests who need to use Connor's room (we just bring Connor to our closet in his pack-n-play). Even as big as this closet is, it still has less storage than our last home, which is odd considering our old home was significantly smaller than this house. We plan on putting some additional storage in on the right side of our closet. Also, excuse the mess, including the old antique window that is awaiting yours truly to put some finishing touches to it and make it into a picture frame for the living room.
So there you have it. Now you've seen all of our bedrooms. Now if I could only find time to clean my bathrooms, you might get a sneaky peaky of that too :) Soon friends. Soon.
For those of you who haven't seen any of my other spaces (including my other 2 bedrooms), you can click on the links below.
Living Room
Brayden's room/guest room