we went to a local swimming doc with my Aunt, Uncle and cousin for 4th of July. The boys had a blast, and ended the night fishing with Drew and Uncle Paul. This was my view at sunset. Sleeping baby and the ozarks surrounded by water. Doesn't get much better than this.
Ty is getting more consistent with smiles (and we've had a few coos too!). I just love this stage so much!
Connor. Oh Connor. He's such a funny little guy!
he is such a ham! He says 'hi' to everyone he sees at the store. And if they don't say hi back, he says it louder. And then if they still don't respond he looks at me sadly and says "mommy, I don't think they heard me."
Last weekend we enjoyed back to back days on the lake with some of our best friends. It was good to be back on the water, although my abs would tell you that they are not liking me wakeboarding. I have a lot more lake pics on my big girl camera, but I just haven't had time to get them processed yet. Maybe later this week. Maybe. :)
B is starting to get embarassed by me with the camera. I didn't think it started this young?!
Connor and Paige. Photobomb courtesy of Chris.
Speaking of wakeboarding, Brayden got up on the wakeboard with a little help this weekend. The boy has absolutely no fear. He loved it!
We're having a fun week with nothing planned but VBS. This is Brayden's first year to be able to go, and he has loved it. Today in the car as he sat in the back singing songs and doing motions, I got a little teary eyed. He's officially a big boy and no longer a baby/toddler. I absolutely love this stage with him, but it's definitely bitter sweet.
Drew and I have been watching a lot of documentaries about food. I've always known about how bad processed food is, but oh my word. When you watch documentaries every night, it will make you want to go vegan. Of course, if you know us at all, you know that we'll probably never go that far. We love our meat at this house. But we are trying to cut out processed foods, Drew's juicing, and I'm trying to eat smoothies for breakfast. If you are wanting to watch some very interesting documentaries in regards to the food we eat, I highly recommend Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, and Hungry for Change. I'm almost positive that you can watch Fat, Sick and Nearly dead on you tube, but both of them can be found on Netflix.
And lastly, I just have to post this picture. Because I'm slightly obsessed with fat baby necks. I just want squish him I love him so much!