I'm in a serious blogging rut. Partly because we have been so busy, but partly because I just don't have a lot to say at the moment. I promise I'll do a better job-- especially since we have some fun things planned for the month of October with our boys!
Speaking of boys, I forgot to update yall on Connor last week. His finger is doing well, and all stitches are out. He's getting better about sitting with us at night to clean it (we have to soak it in a hydrogen peroxide solution for 15 minutes each night before bed). Our trick is to count to 20, and at 20 he gets a piece of candy. Works like a charm AND he's learning how to count. Connor will go back to the orthopaedic surgeon in 2 weeks for a check up. We've decided to let everything completely heal before we decide what to do with his finger, as there is a slight chance he may not need surgery if there is no bone sensitivity.
In other news... I'm guest posting today on the Bloom (in)courage blog (you can read the post HERE)! I count this as a huge honor and priviledge! Right now they are reading through "Seven" by Jen Hatmaker. You may remember this post, where I talked about how much Seven and Anything (by Jennie Allen) really rocked my world and helped realign my focus on life. The Spending chapter really was the biggest changer for me, and was the chapter I was able to blog about for them. I hope that you'll check it out and read my words. My prayer is that my heart shines through what my fingers typed. God is moving in our hearts when it comes to how we approach finances, giving and spending. It has been, and continues to be, a very big passion of mine.
Hope everyone has a happy Wednesday! We're headed to a local pumpkin patch tonight for some fall fun, so I'm sure I'll have cute pictures of the boys to share soon!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago