Don't forget to check out the info on the Valentines Swap I'm co-hosting with my friend Laura. I'd love for you to join in the fun! You have till Friday to sign up. Just click HERE to read all the details.
How Far Along: 20 weeks, 5 days (I have an epidemic of running late with these posts)
Size of baby: 7 inches long and weighs approximately 11 ounces. About the size of a banana.
(did anyone else laugh at the size comparison? ha!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10 pounds. I honestly breathed a sigh of relief when I found out I had only gained 5 pounds over Christmas. I was sure it was at least 10 pounds after I ate my heart out for an entire week when we were at my parents.
Maternity Clothes: It's all maternity clothes, unless I wear sweatpants and t-shirts. My normal sized t-shirts are too short now and don't cover my belly, so I've bumped up a size in t-shirts.
Maternity Clothes: It's all maternity clothes, unless I wear sweatpants and t-shirts. My normal sized t-shirts are too short now and don't cover my belly, so I've bumped up a size in t-shirts.
Gender: It's a BOY! We're naming him Tyler Paul.
Movement: He is starting to move a lot! I can feel him throughout the day, and most days around 9:30pm he really gets bumping. I told Drew I was kind of scared, because he moves a lot like Brayden did when I was pregnant with him, and I'm just not sure I can handle another high spirited boy. I'm praying he's laid back, easy going and doesn't have reflux (Connor's reflux was enough for all three boys combined. I'd rather not have a repeat of that drama).
Sleep: It's been as good as it can be for pregnancy sleep. This past week I've been exhausted, so I've gone to bed early most nights.
Symptoms: I've gotten a few bouts of heartburn. Frequent trips to the bathroom. I've also noticed if I don't drink more than 100 ounces of water a day, I get braxton hicks. So I have to drink A LOT of water.
What I miss: I miss sleeping on my tummy. And being able to move with ease.
Cravings: I have a standard craving for chips and salsa. I have also craved tabouli frequently throughout this pregnancy. I am so thankful for awesome friends... my friend Katie found out I had craved tabouli and made me a huge batch. It was divine and I ate the entire bowl in a day and a half.
Food Aversions: thankfully these are not really a factor anymore!
Best Moment this week: finding out that we were having another boy and that (so far) he seems perfectly healthy! I also love knowing that I will feel him move pretty much every day now.
What I am looking forward to: I just can't wait to meet him! I'm starting to pull out all of the baby stuff, which has me a bit overwhelmed trying to sort through everything. I can't wait to have his nursery organized and finished.