Tyler basically felt like poo until Tuesday afternoon. I'm ever thankful for modern medicine and for walk-in clinics that are open on snow days. I'm beginning to wonder if we may have a tonsil/adenoid problem with Ty... he is a mouth breather, snores when he sleeps, and has had an exceptional amount of ear infections for a baby his age (although, we have remained ear infection free since November). I'm starting to take notes and we'll bring it up at his well check in May, but curious if any of you dealt with those issues in a child, and if so, what were the "warning signs" around the 1 year mark???

I've been going through old pictures over the past week. Ran across this one of myself when I was two. It's basically Tyler. Genetics are so funny to me. Also, I asked my mom why she punished me with a hair style like that. She blamed it on the barber. Bless my bowl cut heart.
Today we were out running errands, and on a whim decided to meet with some friends at the mall. All in all, the trip was a slight disaster in terms of whinniness and complaining. But I did happen to snap this picture of Connor and I in the dressing room as we were waiting for Brayden to finish trying on jeans. I wish I could video Connor when he wasn't aware in front of a mirror. The child will make the funniest faces and sayings to himself when he thinks no one is looking. It's quite the comedic event. (PS-- we most definitely need to purchase size 6 slim jeans for Brayden. Upon putting on the 6 regulars, Brayden exclaimed "well, I like the blue, but these fall straight off!" ha!).
And just a note to those of you who may follow me on social media-- I'm offline from all forms of social media for a while, so if you need/want to get a hold of me, feel free to shoot me an email. I miss my twitter/instagram and facebook friends like crazy, but know that this is good for me too. Hope everyone has a great weekend!