We're almost thru Spring Break 2014, and all I can say is, thank goodness that Summer is not bleak and bleary. We've had hardly any good weather this week, which means we're stuck indoors most days, which means that I have 3 boys going crazy from cabin fever. I'd like to think that I'm going crazy from cabin fever too, but considering I do like to be home a lot, it really hasn't been all that bad... aside from the three crazy children. This has also solidified my theory that I would make a terrible homeschool mom. Honestly, I'm not even sure how my mom survived motherhood with her sanity in tact; she homeschooled all 4 of her kids, and didn't even have Netflix to distract us.
Speaking of Netflix, I've been on a big documentary kick lately. My current obsession is the WWII documentaries based on eye witnesses to certain events. Last night Drew and I watched one called No Place on Earth. It's about a Jewish family who lived in a cave for almost 18 months in Ukraine. It was amazing. Definitely check it out if you have Netflix.
I've been busy the past several weeks in updating a few things around our house. We've lived here for over 2 years and I still don't have much on the walls (I have ideas and great plans, but I'm never good at following through with said plans). I've still not decided on a gallery wall arrangement, just in case you were wondering about that. I did finally get curtains hung in our master bedroom. It's amazing what four pieces of fabric and a metal rod will do for a room. I took pictures of my progress the other day, but need some moments to get the pictures off of my camera. If you're wondering why it takes so long to do such a thing, please see paragraph one: crazy children stuck inside during spring break.
Last, but certainly not least, I've been on the search for a good pair of slim jeans for Brayden. He has, sadly, outgrown his 5T jeans, meaning we are making the jump to the big boys section for pants now (he's been in big boy sized shirts since the fall). We tried on regular 6 pants, and there's just no way they will work. In Brayden's words "these things have something wrong... they just slide right now." Since pants that slide off aren't really an option, I've been looking at different brands than we usually get. I think we are going to try our hand at the Crazy 8 brand and see if these work. We'll see. I feel slightly bad knowing that I have handed him down the long torso, long legs, skinny waist, problem. Not that it's a problem per se, but it definitely makes clothes buying a bit more interesting.
I don't have much else to say at the moment, so I'm going to grab a quick nap before my little people awake from naps. I'll leave you with a few of my favorite recent phone pictures.
Brayden has been a bottomless pit lately (thus the need for new jeans). One day, after he had eaten all of his sandwich, his fruit, his side of pretzels and a glass of water, he asked for a pickle sandwich. You only live once, right?
the boys frequently have bad guy raids in my house. I have nothing to fear having two super heroes here to protect me ;)
I took Connor out last week on a little date. As we were getting ready to get out of the car, C said "this is how you make a bad bad bad face."
Tyler's accessories for his Easter outfit came in. I about died from the cuteness. He will coordinate with his big brothers, who will be wearing jeans with pink polo shirts.
OK. I'm off for naptime... that is, if I can fall asleep with this awful wind howling in the background. Adieu adieu.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago