Friday we just hung out at the house all day. I had to finish laundry (well, let's be honest... laundry is NEVER finished in our house). While I was washing dishes, I peeked into the living room to check on the boys and found this:

ahhh. I am just loving watching the relationship between my boys form. Brayden absolutely adores Connor. Connor is still skeptical, and I can't say I don't blame him, considering he's constantly being poked and prodded by his big bro. Brayden better watch out, because when Connor is big enough to really rumble tumble, I am pretty sure he'll be able to hold his own :)
Saturday Drew had to go into work for a little bit, but he didn't want to leave me hanging with both boys, so he took B on a donut outing and then to work with him. I was supped to be able to sleep in, and I suppose that I did get to sleep in-- until 6:45 instead of 6am. Oh how things have changed in just a few short years :) Ofcourse, the morning was nice and peaceful though, as Connor is just the happiest little guy in the mornings. We ate breakfast together, played, bounced and cooed, and then I put him down for a nap and was able to take a shower for as long as I wanted. It was glorious I tell you; you just don't know what you take for granted until you become a mommy :) Connor actually has turned a corner with naps recently, and is FINALLY sleeping better during the day. On Saturday I actually had to wake him up from his nap (he took about 2.5 hrs, which is PHENOMENAL considering the past 4 months we've been dealing with the dreaded 45 minute intruder). When C woke up we all headed to our good friends the Guffey's annual crawfish boil. This Louisiana born gal was in HEAVEN. Yep, I sucked the heads of these little boogers and they were ahhh-mazing.

this is sweet, sweet little Brooklyn. She's exactly a month older than Connor and is a little love doll. LOVE her!

he's finally learned how to blow on dandelions. I wonder what he wished for? ;)


haha. I told Drew I was putting this on the blog. Gotta keep my word :)

Crystal... tellin' her stories.

It was cold. And this guy just wanted to snuggle with daddy.

he fell asleep shortly after. Such a rough life the baby leads.
Sunday was our service day in the infant classroom at church, so we were at church a good portion of the morning. This translates into GREAT naps for the boys, which in turn translates into a great nap for Momma :) Funny/sweet/melt-your-momma's heart- story of Sunday: This morning while Drew and I were trying to peel out of bed, Brayden was his normal energetic self, talking away as we tried to prop our eyelids open :) I told B that today we were going to church and he said "Jesus?" I said, yes Jesus. We're going to church and you get to learn about Jesus! I then asked him if he loved Jesus and he said "I love you Jesus!" And then looked at me and said "I want to give Jesus a hug." Then he paused, and said "and a high five!". Oh, melt my heart. He LOVES giving high fives to anyone and everyone, so it makes sense that he'd want to give a high five to Jesus. And I'm pretty sure he made Jesus smile by that comment... faith like a child. Love that little guy!
This afternoon we celebrated the finalization of the adoption of our friends little girl Alee. She is a little sweetheart, and an answer to prayer for our friends Jason and Susan. I love watching adoptions unfold and seeing a family complete. It makes me smile.
We have a long week ahead of us, and unfortunately MORE rain in the forecast. Please be praying for the people along the Mississippi this week. They are already dealing with so much with the flooded river, the last thing they need is more rain, and that's what it looks like unfortunately. I have some fun posts scheduled for this week (gasp! yes, I schedule most of my posts-- how else would I be able to blog as much as I do!). Hope yall all have a wonderful week!