before all the snow had fallen

Brayden's not been feeling well. While we don't like when he's sick, it's hard not to like the fact that he is SUPER cuddly when he feels under the weather-- a trait that he does not posses when he's otherwise feeling fine.

We put on a show for him so that I could get some cleaning done... and he fell asleep just like this :)

eating his snack at the table like a big boy (yes, we've stayed in our pjs the last 3 days... ha!)

(a) please notice the insanely crazy hair. pretty amazing for a 10 week old! (b) this is what I called spoiled. Little Mister has a terrible cough, and sleeping laying flat makes it worse, so he's been able to sleep in the swing ALL day today.

our backyard before all the snow was done falling

OK, I just realized my swimsuit is hanging in this picture...sorry about that. But I had to post this picture... it was the first time I've made chocolate chip cookies with B, and we let him eat them in the afternoon with Daddy. He had 3 cookies and couldn't have been any happier :)

B is going to kill me when he is older... but seriously, this picture cracks me up! He loves walking around the house in our shoes. Combine that with being naked and I'm pretty sure he was in heaven! haha!