Well, it's official. We got the most snow in a 12 hour period that Arkansas has ever had in a 24 hour period. Like, duh. We live in Arkansas. We think we have a good snow year if we have 6 inches during a winter, much less 25 inches (for the record, the news said that we had 22 inches, but Drew measured and we had 25 in our yard, so we're taking our measurement over theirs. Not like it really matters.). To add to the drama, we had record setting lows last night. Low as in -17. That's NEGATIVE 17. Poor Toby almost froze to death trying to walk down the driveway this morning to go to the bathroom. Thankfully I have an awesome husband who went outside in the frigid temps this morning to shovel for the poor pup. Drew and I got out with the boys today to venture to Walmart. We didn't really NEED to go, but we're all going crazy. Drew made the comment that Brayden is acting like he took some crazy pills. That's what happens when you've been stuck in a house for 2 weeks. And just when I thought we were on the uphill, I started feeling weird this afternoon, and am now running a low grade fever. GREAT. I've been having symptoms of a sinus infection the past several days (headache, stuffy nose, sinus pressure like you wouldn't imagine, etc). I am SO ready for spring. I'm over the cold, the snow and the sickness. Bring on the 60 degree weather! Since I'd love for our kids to remember this snowfilled week, I'll leave you with a few pictures we've taken over the past two days. We're still shoveling our way out of this mess, but hopefully by next week we'll at least see some grass.
What do you do when you're snowed in? Why, you take really long, warm baths ofcourse!
So much for marketing the consignment sale! haha!
Snow as tall as our shrubs
Drew asked Brayden if he wanted to go outside and he said YES! Well, that's a first! Too bad he's sick, so we only let him play out there for a few minutes.
He's really into scooping and pouring...snow is no exception!
He also likes to eat the snow. He was literally shoveling fist fulls in his mouth.
Sharing with his doggy
my little eskimo :)
he fell face first into the snow and couldn't get up. I have to admit, I laughed.
Falling didn't keep him from eating the fluffy white stuff.
OK, this next picture, well I just need to say that no children were harmed in the making of this photograph.
Tobes jumped in on the snow action.... and sunk down to the ground. It was like a little hole moving around. SO funny!
They were both done at this point.
Nothing a little hot chocolate won't fix :)
And because no post is complete without the little man. This is him, all freshly bathed last night, and it's also the only 10 minutes of the day that his hair lays flat. haha! (For some reason, his hair looks red in these pictures. I promise it's not red... it's actually the darkest brown you could ever imagine).
Drew's hard work! He literally shoveled for HOURS yesterday so that we wouldn't get stuck in our own driveway!
The poor birds were so hungry the day it snowed, so Drew threw out some stale tortillas and they went to town!