Saturday Brayden had swim class, so Drew accompanied Brayden while Connor and I went shopping for a bit. After swim lessons we went to Sam's club, ate pizza and then were going to go to the park on the way home, but B fell asleep. So we decided to just head home and go out and about after naptime. I'm glad we waited because the clouds parted and a GLORIOUS afternoon awaited us after the boys woke up. I hit up the Children's Place for their President's Day sale and then we headed to a local trail to enjoy the nice weather.
The trail runs behind a local church, and I snapped this picture as we got to the path:

We had hoped Brayden would want to ride his new Strider PREbike, but he was a bit more interested in throwing rocks into the creek. I think we probably sat at the creek for 30 minutes. It was so nice, and something we're looking forward to going back to very soon. I practiced shooting in manual mode, something I am a bit uncomfortable with right now, but want to get good at. I love these pics of Drew and Brayden down by the water.

Drew found a rock that had a fossil on it and was showing Brayden.

betcha didn't know that the best way to tell if it's a good throwin' rock is to taste it first ;o)

searching for the perfect one...

"look mom I found it!"
(I just realized that I need to note something about Brayden's outfit: B has now started telling me what he wants to wear. He was INSISTENT that he wear his "raborbacks" shirt, despite the fact that it doesn't really match. {sigh}).

Winding up for the throw (and making sure daddy's watching!)

Another taste test

calling the Hogs!
I am sure you are wondering what Connor man was up to while we were enjoying the creek. Why, he was just hanging out kickin' it in his car seat of course!

Seriously you guys, he smiles SO much. It just melts my heart and makes my long days SO worth it!
Drew stole the camera and snapped this pic of me and B:

I only share this picture with you because I wanted you to see Brayden RUNNING with Drew's hat on, which completely covered his eyes. It was hilarious.

Um, do I even need to say anything about this picture? It's probably one of my all time faves.
Saturday also marked Connor man's 3 month birthday! So I set him down in the grass (which he LOVED) and started snapping away. I love this little guy so much!

These last two were taken right before we left...

Today we went to church and volunteered in infants. After church Drew took care of the boys so I could go and enjoy a pedicure with a friend, and then when I got back home we tag teamed and Drew left to go and play basketball.
Sadly, the weather this week is supposed to get cold again. Spring is being a temptress this year and only showing herself in bits and pieces. I'm ready for the full blown spring. Bring on the pollen and warm temps (well, I could forego the pollen... but let's be clear that I'm ready to wear flip flops full time!).