ETA: Drew read this and said I needed to clarify my first sentence. We love Dan Skoff. We really do. And no one could have predicted that the storm turn the way it did. I'm sorry for hurting feelings of meteorologists. It wasn't my intent. I'm just frustrated with all this snow, and looking forward to a not-sick, warm sunshiny day.
I've always known the meterologist around here are not the best. They call for a dusting, we get 5 inches of snow. They call for a foot, we get a dusting. It's always been that way, so I generally just overlook the weather. Last night they couldn't make up their mind with what we were going to get... 1-10 inches. Basically we were getting snow, but we didn't know what it would do. At 5 when I woke up with Connor, I told Drew not to bother going into work. At that point we probably had around 6 inches. So imagine my surprise when I woke up with Connor again at 7:15, and saw THIS at our front door:
(I didn't take a picture when he measured, but this was 30 inches tall at 7:15am)
Drew had to shovel a path into our front yard so Toby could go to the bathroom:
This was our backdoor at 7:15:
And this was our backdoor exactly two hours later at 9:15:
This is B's playset:
The temps here are ridiculous. They said if the clouds clear we'll see temps well below zero. I know you people up north are laughing at us because you see this all the time. But like I said last night, everything in Arkansas closes at the slightest hint of a flurry, and I've lived in Arkansas now for close to 15 years and I've never seen anything like this. All the roads around us are impassable and therefore we are literally snowed in. I'll post more pics once I am able to dig out of this mess. Stay warm!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago