I feel like I must first say that I'm not one of those people who really likes Valentines Day. It just seems like such a cheap way to water down "I love you." I want to be romanced because my man wants to romance me, not because every store in America says that he should on a certain day. That's WAY too easy. But I wasn't about to let my love/hate relationship with Valentines day ruin the fun that kids can have with it, so we decided to get out for the first time in a LONG time and head to a little Valentines get together at my friend Katie's house.
serving it up-- Duggar style...
watchin' all the action from the car seat :)
B's friend Jack Jack
B sportin' the princess glasses
Sweet Jack
Eating some yummy chicken biscuits, grapes and mac and cheese... lunch of champions!
Brayden's friend Laci, also known as his partner in crime :) Laci's mommy is my good friend Candice. And no, Candice does not put blue lipstick on her child... Laci got into the markers and decided the blue one tasted good :)
Eating is serious business folks!
sweet little Avery
The kids had a lot of fun decorating paper plates and cookies, exchanging valentines cards and eating candy. LOTS of lollipops to be had by all.
craft time!
B getting one of his valentines
he was intent on holding that play phone the majority of the time we were there.
Brayden wasn't all that interested in decorating anything, that is of course until he saw that one of the things we were decorating was edible. And not only that, it was a "tookie", which are his faves. Then he was ALL about it. Not so much about giving me a smile though.
This little guy was though :)
As was Brayden's friend Elijah:
We had a blast, and are so thankful for such good friends to be able to hang out with!
This afternoon both of the boys were pretty fussy, so I strapped them up and headed off to Target to look around and kill time. Normally this works really well as Connor will nap and B will be quiet if he gets popcorn. For whatever reason, neither of those things happened, and I found myself searching frantically for an empty aisle so I could STERNLY talk to Brayden about his sour attitude. I felt like ripping his ear off and dragging him back out to the car. But I didn't. I finally just gave up and trudged back to the front of the store, poured out the sprite and exchanged it for diet dr. pepper, and headed home. I called Drew on the way home, and as we were talking I asked what was for dinner (jokingly ofcourse, although unbeknownst to him I had nothing prepared!). He quickly responded that he was taking us to Chick-Fil-A. Yay! So I literally took the next exit on the interstate, turned around and headed to Chick-Fil-A. As soon as Brayden saw the CFA building he started saying "I unna play!" over and over again. Thank goodness we were planning on going there! haha! And thank goodness I got there early. For Valetines day CFA puts on a date night, complete with candlelight, crafts for the kids, free icecream dessert and live music. It's a far cry from a romantic date night at a steakhouse, but atleast it's a night out. And with the playground there, we get at least 10 minute spurts of kid free conversation, which is fresh air for this weary momma. We ate dinner, enjoyed our conversation (as much as we could amongst the MILLIONS of people there-- people were literally lining the wall WAITING on a table. It was unbelievable!) and headed out as another family with two children the same age as ours walked in (we felt bad for them so gave up our table since we were already done eating and had prime parental real estate right by the door of the playground). I told B we had 5 minutes until we left (he does better if we give him a leaving warning rather than plucking him right up and leaving), and what do you know the kid raced up to the tubes in the play place and sought shelter. I just had to laugh. He hadn't wanted to go up the tubes all night, and the minute he found out we were leaving he found his residence in the tubes. He's a smart one I tell ya! After much coaxing, I finally got him to come down the slide-- 15 minutes later! haha!
When we got the boys to bed, Drew helped me clean the house. It's no secret that I stress greatly when the house is a mess and cluttered. He helped declutter a lot, and cleaned up all the dishes for me as I vacuumed and mopped. What a perfect valentines gift (and I say that non-sarcastically). Now I am up way too late typing this post, thinking about how much I will regret staying up this late. But I had to chronicle our day because honestly, it was one of the best Valentines I can remember. Thanks babe for treating us to dinner and for helping me clean the house! I love you!
PS-- I had to just share this picture:
The boys in their matching outfits! {LOVE}.