As I was perusing the aisle at Walmart today, it dawned on me that I was about to spend close to $10 on paper cards. Cards that would most likely land in the trash, never to be seen again, and therefore the words I write in the cards would only be treasured by for a moment. So, I placed the cards back on the rack, and came home with a purpose to write my valentines on the blog, since it is my purpose to print this blog in book form so that our family will have all of our memories hard bound for years to come.
To my first born son, Brayden:
B-man, Words cannot express how much joy you bring to my heart. Sure, our days are long as we clash heads and battle wills, but I see your tenderness each day coming out and it makes my mommy heart proud. Your sensitivity to others is something that can't be taught and I am sure is God given. I find it so incredibly cute when you greet anyone you see with a smile and a loud "HEWWWO!" To be certain, you've never met a stranger, which both makes me warm on the inside and also fearful, because I know one day that sensitive heart for people will be hurt and there will be nothing I can do to shield you from the pain. May you always use your love of people for the good of our Savior. My prayer for you is that you will become a strong leader and warrior for the Lord. May you always center your life around Him... if you do, everything else will (eventually) fall into place. Brayden, I love that God answered my prayer when he placed the love of sports in your blood. You are a magnet to anything that has even the slightest hint of sports, and have such a natural talent. Use your talent for good, and never grow prideful in your abilities. I can't wait to watch all of your t-ball games, pee wee football games (we all know that will be my favorite!), your 'bababall' games and perhaps even soccer games. You are my little buddy and I love you so much Brayden. Never forget it!
To my big surprise in a little package, Connor:
Connor, it's almost been a year that I found out I was pregnant with you. I will never forget that day as long as I live. Fear ran through my bones. But now when I look at you and you beam back at me, I can't imagine what I'd do without you. You have filled a void in our family we never even knew existed, and bring me more joy that I'm willing to ever admit :) I love how you smile especially big for me... we all know you are a mama's boy, and that's perfectly OK with me :) Thank you for lighting up a room on an otherwise gloomy day. I can't wait to see your little personality unfold. My prayer for you is that you will become a strong man of God and that you will be a leader who is respected and admired. May you always center your life around the One who has given you to us. I love you little mister!
To my Baby Daddy, best friend, husband, everything, Drew:
Who knew that almost 10 years ago today we'd be here Dancing in the Mine Fields together? Life has definitely not been the easiest lately with a newborn, school and work, but I can say with certainty that life is sweeter with you by my side. I love watching you love our boys and become the dad you always wanted. You are such an incredible role model, and it is my dream that the boys will become just like you. Thank you for working so hard for our family, and allowing me the opportunity to stay home with them. I know I don't say it enough, but it is a huge blessing to know I have your blessing to stay home with them. Thank you for always believing in me, and for encouraging me to achieve my dreams, whatever that may be. Thank you for loving me in spite of my flaws, and for gently knocking off the rough edges that we both know I have :) I love laughing through life with you and couldn't imagine a better partner to go through thick and thin with. You are the love of my life, and always will be. I love you so much Drew-- Happy Valentines Day!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago