For the first time in over a week, I feel as though I am able to keep my head above water and remain relatively stress free. I have to say, that having a sick baby, especially a little one who is sick, wears on you emotionally in ways you don't even know are there until you come out of the fog. To be clear, Connor is still sick, and we are still awaiting the results from yesterday's pertussis test, but I feel like last night and today we have made huge strides in the right direction. The breathing treatments are clearly helping (they are also causing some restlessness, but at this point I'd much rather a restless baby than one who is throwing up from coughing so much!) and he is smiling and acting more normal than I have seen him act in the past week. I feel better too, although my head still feels as though someone has secretively shoved every cotton ball on the planet into my brain. It's that aweful stuff feeling you get after a sinus infection. I'm hoping it will clear out soon and I can finally feel (and breathe!) normally.
Hopefully I won't jinx myself by writing this, but I feel that over the past week I've also made strides with Brayden and discipline. Perhaps it's because of my effort to get to the heart of the matter (I'm learning great things from
"Don't Make Me Count to Three"
... I plan on reviewing a lot of what I've learned soon). He seems to be responding well, and I feel as though the past two days in particular have been more joyous between me and him. He's been especially funny the past several days, and really come into his social interaction. He is talking on the phone better, although we sometimes don't understand his little language that he uses :) Today I pulled out some of his shorts so that we could go through clothes and figure out what he will need this summer (our semi-annual Rhea Lana's consignment sale is coming up, and I always prepare a list of what I need so I don't overspend). He kept saying "swim?" because he thought we were going swimming. Poor guy doesn't remember what it's like to wear shorts... haha! He was VERY proud of the shorts he was wearing (some of them are new with tags... I bought several shorts on clearance when we were at my parents for my sister's wedding this past fall), and kept saying "my like my daddy". He LOVES being like Drew. Good thing he has a good Daddy ;)
So, today we are smiling. Grateful that it looks like the next snow storm will relatively miss us (we're only expected to get 3-4 inches, as opposed to the close to 10 that central Arkansas is expected), grateful that both babies (and myself) are on the mend and that Drew has remained unscathed from the sick bug that has plagued our home, and grateful that it looks like we'll finally get some sunshiny warm weather next week to play in. I figured I couldn't post such a great report without a few pics from today, so without further ado, I give you proof that we're all in better health and spirits:

still a little snotty, but feeling better!

I defeated this pile of laundry today. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's clean laundry pile looks like this most of the time :)