Friday we took full advantage of our pool pass and brought along some friends for the fun. Brayden had so much fun interacting with friends, old and new, and I had fun chasing him around, and trying to entertain Connor. Brayden has shown a little more respect for the water this year, which I am grateful for, considering I am also toting around a 20 pound 6 month old with me most of the time. He LOVES to swim though, and asks to go to the pool atleast twice daily (even if we've already been!). Friday evening when Drew got home, we decided to take the boys to get some pictures (I wanted to try out my 100mm macro lens that I hardly ever use, since it stops down to 2.8). I captured some precious pics of the boys together and especially of my chubby baby. I just absolutely L.O.V.E. this age.

this picture CRACKS me up. Connor always look like this when Brayden is around him-- just not sure about the situation. Brayden, well, he's not so much into smiling for the camera these days. Such a great snapshot of what life is really like!

Brayden's face is priceless

about as good as it's going to get with both of them in the frame.

surprisingly, after the dual shot was finished, Brayden told us he wanted to "lay like dis" and promptly laid on his back on the sidewalk and propped his hands behind his head. Silly boy!
We ended the evening with none other than a family date to Chick-Fil-A. It's a good thing too, since the minute we passed it Brayden cried out "I wanna eat and play at Chick-Fil-A!" Uh-Oh. We might have started something bad. haha!

somebody was happy about our dinner plans!
Saturday Drew had to go into work for a little while, and took Brayden with him so that I could have a quiet morning. The term "quiet" doesn't really belong in my day anymore, as Connor has officially found his voice. He rarely cries, but now realizes that if he's not getting what he wants he can make loud screaming noises. It's quite comical but also ear piercing. After Connor's nap I packed him up and we met up at Sam's club for a family lunch. Look who was sitting in the buggy like a big boy...

He was so proud of himself, and Brayden was so happy to have a riding buddy!
Saturday afternoon we just hung out at the house, letting B play in the backyard splash pad we have, grilling out and enjoying each others company. It was nice to not have anything on the agenda for a change.
Today we had church and then I enjoyed a pedicure with a friend this afternoon.

pretty toes :)
Brayden wanted to play outside this afternoon, and I happened to snap these pictures of him...

I'm almost certain that a broom stick will not be sufficient to ward off the girls when he actually realizes that they don't have coodies. Lord help me.
I also took these this afternoon while we were playing in the living room:

what a sweetie boy!

I thought it was cute they were all hanging out in their undershirts :)

Brayden's big into showing his muscles now. This was not staged.

I'm really pumped about this week, since we have lots of fun summer things planned (pool, pool, pool) and it's also the week my cousins start coming to hang out with the boys and I (ie... more than just two hands to deal with the boys!) and to give me a little break since Mother's Day Out doesn't meet in the summer. Hope everyone has a great week!