Just about every night about 30 minutes before bedtime, you can find 3 boys wrestling around on the living room floor. It's pretty much a tradition around here. Brayden will get his jammies on and then say "wrestle daddy?" and then when Drew says, "ok let's go to the living room" Brayden RUNS as fast as his little legs will take him shouting (almost in laughter because he's so happy) "dats fun daddy! dats fun!" It's one of the many moments as a mom that my heart smiles. I usually sit on the sidelines and watch, soaking in the moment. Connor has normally sat on the sidelines too, but now that he's a little older I can tell by the look on his face he wants in on the action. Here are a few pics from the NWA LWWF*
Northwest Arkansas Livingroom World Wrestling Federation

(please note the GINORMOUS smiles on both of the boy's faces).