Friday was the first day I felt 100% better, and despite every longing in my body to be at the pool, I used the day to run errands with the boys. Don't worry, I made it fun by making a (albeit necessary) trip to Target, complete with popcorn. It was only the second time we've been to Target since Connor has sat up in the buggy on his own, but he made it known that he remember what popcorn was, by kicking his legs, waving his arms and making various unintelligible grunting noises. I'm quickly creating popcorn addicts in both of my boys :) When Drew got home from work on Friday we ate dinner as a fam, and then let B play in the backyard in the sprinkler... I am pretty sure it's his new fave thing to do.
Saturday was a busy day for us. Drew graciously took the boys for me so that I could have a morning to myself. This means I was able to actually clean/tidy up the house without having a little tornado behind me to demolish my progress :) After cleaning I took a shower and then headed to a photoshoot for my friend Samantha. She recently had baby #3, little Silas, and asked me if I could take a few pics of him. After the photoshoot there was a sip and see for Samantha and Silas at one of my best friend's, Katie's, house. As always, I had fun visiting with my girlfriends, snapping pics and EATING :) Doesn't this food look delish?! It was, trust me :)

(pretty sure I half this plate by myself-ha!)

(not quite sure what these even were, but let me tell you, it was like heaven in my mouth. SO FREAKIN' GOOD!)

the hostesses with Samantha and Silas

tough life huh?!

Me with one of my best friends, Katie. Love this girl so much!
Saturday afternoon two of Drew's friends from college came over to visit with their families. His friend Jared was in from out of town, and his friend Keith lives in town but we never see them. Keith and his wife Michelle have a little boy named Hudson who is the same age as B, so B LOVED it because he had a little friend to play with the entire time. Unfortunately I didn't really take any pics :( Too much fun visiting I suppose :)
Sunday started out fairly normal. You know, the 2 year old waking up at 6am kicking the walls, me trying to peel my eyelids open, taking a shower, rushing around the house getting two diaper bags ready for church. I was just about ready, and we literally were walking out of the door when Drew yells "Linds! Puke emergency." GAG. Story of my life the past two weeks. Poor little Connor threw up AGAIN. I feel so sorry for him when it happens because he starts gagging and choking, so it freaks him out. Since this was our week to serve in the nursery, we kind of played a game of 'who's going to go to church and deal with those screaming kids and who's going to stay home and deal with our sick baby'. Drew volunteered to stay, and since I knew I might be dealing with it during the day tomorrow by myself, I decided to jet out the door with B. Connor acted normal for the rest of the day today, and besides having some 'other' tummy issues on the other end, is perfect normal. However, since this has been going on now for a week, I may be bringing him to the doc tomorrow or Tuesday just to make sure I'm not missing something.
This afternoon Brayden and I went to the pool on a little mommy son date. We made it extra special by getting Sonic drinks. We sat on the side of the pool kicking our legs and sipping our drinks. It was one of those moments that made my heart smile and that I took a mental picture of that I will never forget. He kept looking at me and saying "dis is good momma. I lite it!" {smile}.
I am hoping to get to the pool more this week since we haven't been able to go much last week, but not sure how it will all pan out with C-man. Hope yall have a great week this week! Stay safe in this aweful heat :)