Sure, I am not sure that Michelle and I share the same opinions on every single aspect of motherhood, but the way she raises her children is (in my opinion) an impeccable example of a Godly mom and wife. You know how sometimes people ask you that cliche question "if you could eat dinner with any person, living or alive, who would it be?" Oh, Michelle Duggar would be on my list in a heartbeat! I feel like she's a walking encyclopedia of mommy knowledge. I loved hearing her speak to our MOPS group a couple of months ago. It was like water on my mommy heart. So you can imagine, with all of the respect I have for her, that when I found out she was going to come and talk to my bible study group this summer, I was beside myself.

(me with Michelle after our group was over)
We have a smaller group (about 15 girls), and so the time with her was so precious. Listening to her speak, listening to her wisdom, the explanations of things... I just soaked it all in! What's even better than all of her parenting wisdom, is that I feel like when I am around her, when I read about her, when I see her on tv... I feel like she is a true example of the joy of the Lord. Joy just exudes from her and flows into everything around her. Definitely the epitome of a Proverbs 31 woman!
At the end of the lesson, Michelle stayed and signed copies of her book. I definitely purchased one for myself, since I read the first book in about 2 days! But I figured since I LOVED it so much, that I was sure one of my readers would LOVE a copy too! That's why I am going to give away a signed copy of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's new book " A Love that Multiplies". There are several different ways to enter (please read the entries carefully... I do check, and will delete entries that do not meet the criteria!):
- leave a comment on this post. any old comment will do.
- put my blog in your blog roll (on the sidebar of your blog). leave a comment letting me know.
- Follow me on twitter (@bloggerlinds). Leave a comment letting me know that you do.
- tweet about this giveaway (be sure to tag me in your tweet, otherwise it won't count - @bloggerlinds). leave a comment letting me know.
- blog about this giveaway. leave a comment letting me know... please include the URL of the post, otherwise your entry will not count.
Be sure that if your email is not attached to your profile in blogger that I have a way to contact you. Comments will be open until 8am Monday July 11th, 2011. The winner will be selected using, and will be announced on this blog on Tuesday, July 12, 2011. The winner will have 48 hours to get back with me, otherwise I'll select a new winner. Good luck!