The most glorious thing happens on our "good" days around here... we do very fun things.
Today was no exception... Brayden and I whipped up some fresh fruit pops this morning before heading to the pool. B was so excited to help again in the kitchen (I've been slack about having him help out because it obviously takes a lot longer with two little hands into everything).
The pops are way easy to make. Just a can of frozen apple juice concentrate, 2 cups of frozen fruit (we used blackberries and blueberries fresh from here in Northwest Arkansas), and a bit of water.
Blend it all in the blender until smooth
and then put it in your desired containers.
The "recipe" I read actually said to use the little 3oz Dixie cups with a spoon in it. That's probably the best option, as the pop molds I got at Wally world didn't really work well with this concoction. Plus, this makes a TON.
Brayden was so excited after dinner to have our "treat." So was Connor. Clearly.
The downside of these pops is that they are messy. Like, REALLY messy.
(please notice Connor's left hand. I swear we haven't taught him this. And it happens FREQUENTLY. hahaha!)
But if messiness holds any indication of how good they are....
these were darn good pops.
editors note:
Don't leave your 8 month old's white shirt on the kids picnic table. It will be mistaken as a paper towel by your 2 year old, and well... it doesn't end pretty.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago