(I'm having issues with my pictures this evening, so I won't be posting pictures until later this week).
Oh what a fun weekend it has been! My parents arrived Thursday night, and then my sister Megan, her husband Ben and my brother Jeff all arrived in the wee morning hours of Saturday morning.
Friday we had a fun day just hanging out with my parents. It's hotter than Hades here, so we spent a lot of time indoors or in the water :) Brayden got to go on a special outing with Poppa to get donuts-- they've done it just about every time my parents have come, so it's kind of a tradition now. It was so cute when B woke up on Friday and I told him what he was going to get to do with Poppa. I said "B you need to get ready because you're going to go eat donuts with Poppa." B looked at me and said "Doduts? Oh Momma, Yummy yummy! Horray!" haha. We played outside after lunch with the boys... Brayden, in true big brother fashion, pushed Connor down into the pool face first. Poor Connor. I swear the kid is either going to have the biggest complex or be tougher than nails. Let's hope for the latter :) Friday night Drew and I went on a little date after dinner... SO nice to get away and not have kids with us!
Saturday my siblings all got in REALLY early in the morning. Unfortunately the boys BOTH decided to wake up early as well, so the combination made for an interesting household. Drew was gracious and took the boys so that the rest of us could sleep. Once everyone was up and stirring, Drew brought the boys back and we all packed up and headed to the pool.
Once we got back from the pool we just kind of hung low around the house. It was way too hot to really do anything else, plus, everyone was pretty tired from not getting much sleep the night before.
Sunday we celebrated the 4th of July early with our annual bbq with my Uncle Paul's family. Brayden is OBSESSED with his cousins, so it was a special treat for him to see all of them, and it's always so fun to have a house full of family. We cooked up a feast of bbq chicken legs, homemade burgers, oriental coleslaw, potato salad (well, actually Aunt Kelly brought that) and my mom topped the meal off with a DQ blizzard cake. To say I was stuffed would be the understatement of the century... ha!
Sunday evening I was brave and kept both boys up WAY past their bedtime to go to a local fireworks display. I was REALLY nervous, but it was so much fun to watch Brayden run around playing, and then when the fireworks went off and I was able to see him just stare in awe... PRICELESS. Even little Connor, who was a bit timid about it at first, just stared in amazement. It was awesome, and we'll definitely be doing it again.
My family left on Monday, so we spent most of the day trying to catch up on laundry and housework. It was pretty lousy weather anyway, so it was a good excuse to not do a whole lot. The weather cleared up in the afternoon, so we went to the pool as a family. I wanted to do a few sparklers at the house after dinner with Brayden, so I ran to the local fireworks stand and grabbed a few fun things to do with the little mister after his brother went to bed. Brayden's favorite? The little snaps that you throw on the ground. He LOVED them, and kept saying "whoa, that's awesome!" Ofcourse, the downside to the 4th of July is that now I have a toddler who cannot sleep to bombs going off outside his room. Lovely. There's pros and cons to everything isn't there?
We have a laid back week planned, which I am looking forward to since we've been so busy. Hope yall have a great week!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago