Remember last weekend when I said that Connor started acting sick? Well, it came back on Tuesday. With a vengence. Monday night he barely slept. Like, 15 minute spurts was all I could get out of him. Come Tuesday morning he started having diarrhea. Then he was pulling on his ears. I, with my super awesome mother telepathy I had, swore he had an ear infection. So off to the doctor we went, for what seemed like the 1245 appointment we've had with some sort of doctor over the past month. In walks Dr. R. We've never seen him before. He was a nice, and Brayden was being unusually compliant and sweet to him, so that was comforting to me. He looked Connor over, and said "yep. It's a virus." Ughhh. Fail on the mom telepathy. I was relieved that it wasn't his ears though. After noticing the rash all over his body, Dr. R said that Connor had a virus that ends in a rash. Some of you may know this as roseola. Apparently diarrhea is a symptom too (at least that's what my friend's whose babies have had this have told me), and I would like to say that diarrhea is the worst of it. Poor little Connor has just not been himself lately because his little bum is so chapped. So we've been doing a lot of airing out lately-- if you catch my drift... and hoping that it clears soon.
Connor's illness has left me exhausted and worn out. Even today as I type without a 2 year old begging to see the computer, Connor has screamed most of the morning (he's currently content munching on cheerios and bananas next to me.) This means that I can't do my usual household chores because I have to calm a sick baby. And while I relish in the rocking and the singing (especially when it's just one child to attend to and I don't have to worry about my two year old doing something life threatening), there's only so much one can handle before hitting the "melting point." And I feel like I'm there. I'm there with a two and a half year old and a 10 month old-- two babies is hard, even if they aren't twins! I'm there with a husband who is working a full-time job and completing an MBA full time; don't get me wrong, Drew is a GREAT husband and father and he does everything in his might to do all he can for the family outside of work and school. But work and school eat up much of the time he has, so it's just not the same right now. I'm there with family far away and family drama adding to the stress. I'M THERE. This morning as I was folding laundry and starting to feel sorry for myself, I felt God breathe over me. Not in the literal sense, but I remembered a verse I have memorized, and it made my soul calm:
"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. IICorinthians 12:9 (NIV)
So there you have it. I am exhausted and feel as though I am crumbling, but instead of having a pity party over here, I'm going to blog about it. And boast about it even, if that is possible. The Lord is sufficient. He provides all that I need, whether it be strength to wipe another raw bottom, or energy to chase after an ornery toddler. Thank you Jesus for your sweet, perfect-timing reminder.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago