The other day we were playing in the backyard when Brayden exclaimed "WOOK Momma!" It was an UBER emphatic "wook", so he caught my attention immediately. And when I realized what he was "wooking" at, I nearly dropped Connor right there in the grass and passed out from a heart attack.
I somehow maintained composure enough to get Brayden away from our eight legged backyard guest.
And ran and got my camera. True sign of a photog/blogger, right?! haha!
Just looking at these pictures gives me the creeps. I wanted to put something next to this so that there was a bit of perspective on how big it actually was. Huge, ginormous, massive... all words that come to mind.
I named her Charlotte. She was building her web on my child's playset. So unfortunately, Charlotte had to live a short life yesterday.
Yes. You read that right. After Charlotte had her glamor shots in my backyard, she met Jesus. I just couldn't try to catch her, release her, and then be forever haunted that someday Brayden would find her or her offspring and try to play with them. I know this probably makes me "ungreen" or something like that, but really, spiders just freak me out.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago