Friday afternoon was beautiful and so I had called Drew to see what we wanted to do after he got home from work. Problem was, Drew was swamped at work. So we compromised at met at Chick-Fil-A... also known as our second home... LOL. Brayden was so excited to go to Chick-A-Fil-Aya :) After dinner we headed to one of our other favorite places, Compton Gardens. Brayden is FLYING on his Strider bike now, and loves the wider trails.
there's a side trail that shoots off the main trail that has all these little paths you can take through different types of vegetation. One was through a bamboo "forest", and Brayden thought it was so cool to bike through the "woods". Looks like we might have a future mountain biker on our hands :)
Just playing around on the pavement
he looks a little mischievous wouldn't you say?
Remember last weekend's weekend in review, where I told yall how we saw BMX stunt bikes performing? Yeah, well, I knew that was dangerous thing to bring Brayden to. When I was playing with C on the ground, I heard Brayden say "I do tricks" and looked up to find him trying to pop wheelies onto the stairs. Lord have mercy on me.
another wheelie attempt
as if wheelies weren't bad enough, he thought perhaps riding up and down the ginormous hill looked like a lot of fun :/
ofcourse, every crazy BMX stuntsman needs an onlooker. Connor took that position.
he does this ALL. THE. TIME. I generally shout "hallelujah" whenever he does it, which consequently makes him laugh. Love his little personality!
he won't smile for me, but if Daddy's there, he'll show us a big toothy grin :)
people keep telling me that he looks so much like B, but I just don't see it. I think he looks a lot like Drew, and JUST like Drew's mom's side of the family.
Brayden decided to come join the fun... and pop wheelies in the flowers. LOVELY.
and then Daddy let him ride down the hill. It's a lethal combination, having a dare devil son paired with a dare devil daddy. I'm honestly surprised we haven't made it to the ER yet.
this was the tree line before we left... it was even prettier than the picture shows. I guess I need a polarizer filter :)
Saturday morning we headed back to Chick-Fil-A. I promise we're not crazy and we eat things other than chicken. We had already been planning on visiting CFA on Saturday morning for a while now because they were having their breakfast giveaway and I had thought it would be fun to do that as a family. Brayden was a little confused about why we were going for breakfast too, but super excited to get to play in the play place again :) Later on Saturday morning Drew's good friends Mike and Curt came to visit for a few hours. Mike brought two of his daughters, and Curt brought his little boy Eli, so Brayden was in heaven having friends to play with all morning! As if CFA and friends were not enough, we headed out on Saturday afternoon for a fun Hog watch party at my friend Rebekah's house. It was mildly crazy with so many children, but so much fun to catching up with friends and watching the Hogs.
isn't this cake the cutest?! It was also really yummy :)
the littlest Razorback fan in our brood... he was too busy eating dinner to give an appropriate smile :)
at one point I went outside to check on B. There were TONS of kids playing everywhere; in bounce houses, basketball, football... and B was under the deck playing in the rocks. haha!
Thanks Rebekah and Flint for a great party (and if you're a football fan I'll give a shameless plug for Flint's website! Check it out!)
Sunday we woke up early as always with the boys, but we were also glued to the television watching all of the memorials for 9/11. There were several occasions where Drew and I just looked at each other with tears. The emotions for us seem so fresh, like it just happened yesterday. And I think they might be a little thicker because it also drums up so much emotion of the deployments. You know, when someone you love is deployed, you just get through it. I was scared, but I had to go on with my life. I couldn't dwell on the very real fact that Drew may not come back. And even though it has been several years since he's come back, I think that we still have so much emotion wrapped up in everything that has transpired over the past 10 years. Between all of those emotions, and others that I have going on right now due to a lot of stuff going on with my extended family, it's safe to say I've been emotional basketcase today. And true to form, God delivered with a great sermon at church today. I felt like our preacher was talking directly to me about everything I am dealing with right now. SO good. I love how God is awesome like that :) We spent most of the afternoon and evening outside. Drew and Brayden rode bikes around our neighborhood. After watching the memorials today, it makes you realize that this is the stuff that really matters.
Hope everyone has a great week!