Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Connor's 1 Year Stats.

Monday Connor had his 1 year well check appointment. At one year, Connor:
  • weighs 23 pounds (50th percentile)
  •  is 30.5 inches long (50-75 percentile)
  • I can't remember his head circumference measurement, but do know it was in the 90th percentile. Boy's got some big brains :) 
Some of the things C man is up to:
  • Says "dada" and "baba" (bye bye). These are hit and miss when he says them.
  • Signs "all done", "more," and "milk"
  • Wears size 5 diapers (B and Connor both wear the same size diaper now-ha!)
  • Completely off formula and bottles. We transitioned cold turkey and he did great! He eats 3 meals a day plus snacks, and drinks anywhere from 4-6 cups of milk a day (I know that's a lot, but I don't deny milk at this young of age since he needs the protein). 
  • Wears 18-24 month clothes. 
  • Pulls up on everything and has started cruising along the furniture, and walking behind toys sometimes. 
  • He loves to play independently. He'll go into Brayden's room and play by himself for 30 minutes. It's AWESOME.
  • He still takes 2 naps; about an hour in the morning and an hour and a half in the afternoon. He goes to bed at 7 and wakes up between 6 and 6:30 in the morning.
  • He loves to play with Brayden. They now get in trouble together. I often find them in the bathroom unrolling the toilet paper, into the tubs of lotion in Connor's room, or pulling apart all of the puzzles. I love their little friendship growing, but I'd be remiss if I didn't say that I am slightly fearful about how these two are starting to play off of one another. I think I am in for some fun surprises in the next couple of years.
  • Connor loves when Drew gets home. He starts squealing, and sprint crawls to the door to the garage. Drew getting home is probably the most celebrated event in our home by all of us each day :)
  • Connor loves to burrow his head into us as a "love sign." If you're holding him he'll smile really big and then burrow his head into our shoulder, or if we're laying on the ground he'll crawl full speed into us and just press his head as hard as he can. It cracks Drew and I up. 

I can't believe how fast this last year has gone. I'm so grateful for Connor and the blessings he brings to our family. I love you baby Con-Con!

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