helped Poppa D with yard work

went on our first carousel ride

celebrated our first birthday (again)

(and this time he wasn't quite sure about everything)

we played outside in the warm Louisiana weather

played with our Aunts

(the dogs had fun together too)

went fishin' with our Uncle

(he was saying "the fish are right THERE!")

someone thought it was warm enough to go swimming

laid out after Thanksgiving lunch

took an afternoon snooze

met Uncle Mike again...

he makes us laugh :)

Uncle Mike celebrated all of the kid's birthdays... I should have gotten a picture of him singing too :)

we got in Mommy's makeup during naptime

we went to see Mike the Tiger (despite the Tigers beating up on our Hogs)

we rode on the Tiger statue, and called the Hogs while we were at it ;)

We're recuperating from the long car rides and being away for a week. I'm glad to be home, and am hoping to get back into the blogging swing of things soon, including drawing for the winner of the recent Target giftcard giveaway (you didn't think I forgot about it, did you? ;) )