Friday Drew took off for Veterans day and spent the morning with two of his best friends hiking in the Ozarks. When he got back we took the boys to a local Veteran's Day parade. I was kind of skeptical about this because I wasn't sure Brayden would be into it... but B loved it! They had all kinds of army and emergency vehicles on display for the kids to look at and climb on. B was in HEAVEN! Then the parade started. At first I could tell Brayden wasn't sure, and Connor actually HATED it (I think it was the sirens from all of the police cars). After about the first or second car though, Brayden warmed up to the idea. He wasn't quite sure why they were throwing candy though, and so he THREW IT BACK to the motorcycle (and consequently dinged their gas tank with the starburst-- OOPS-- haha!). We got a good laugh with that. Brayden loved the soldiers who marched and chanted; he kept looking back at me saying "they're singing momma!"

he's grown up a lot since the last time we took firetruck pictures :)

Saturday Drew had to work and study, so it was just me and the boys. To say Saturday morning was tough would be an understatement. I've been feeling less than stellar lately, so I didn't have much patience. To top it off B was being defiant and Connor had the whinies, so we were all kind of crabby. Thankfully I was able to escape for a bit on Saturday afternoon for a couple of photoshoots. The leaves have all peaked and are starting to fall off the trees, so I was glad to get out and enjoy the pretty fall colors for what will probably be the last weekend of fall foliage. I'll have to share some sneak peaks of the pics later this week; I did mini sessions and they all turned out so good!
Saturday night Drew and I situated ourselves on the couches and watched college football. The Hogs put a stompin' on Tennessee and Oregon beat Stanford, so it was a good night in our house!
Sunday we served in the nursery and then had the special treat of going out to lunch with some long time family friends who were in town for the football game. I didn't get any pictures at lunch, because who has time to snap pictures when you are trying to feed a baby, feed yourself and keep a toddler contained and entertained :) But we did have fun, and love spending time with the Henry's!
Hope yall have a great week!