He is just the sweetest, sweetest, sweetest little boy. He loves hugs and kisses, and will run to me with the biggest grin just to get some snuggles. I love it, and try to cherrish every moment he wants those hugs because I know all too well that soon he'll be in the throws of three year old tantrums and think I'm not the coolest anymore :/

(this picture cracks me up. Connor makes the funniest facial expressions.
He loves to repeat everything we say. He loves to play "shoot ball" (basketball), he's a heckuva dancer.

Not sure how much he weighs exactly, but I would think it's safe to say he's hovering close to 30 pounds. Boy's a CHUNK. This also means he still has baby cheeks... baby cheeks that I love to kiss all day long :)

Connor I love you so so much! You are such a precious addition to our family and I'm so glad that God blessed us with your life!
(and just because I couldn't decide... here's a bunch more pictures of the sweet baby boy)