Saturday morning we had a birthday party for our friend Philip. It was a super hero party, which Brayden was SO excited about (he'd asked if his friends last weekend were going to have a spiderman party, but considering they're girls, that one didn't pan out too well for him ;) ). The boys had fun playing in the water with water baloons, and chasing each other around with water guns.

Connor and Luke, two of the littlest guys at the party, but they were able to keep up well.

Philip and Brayden (Philip was squatting in this picture... I promise Brayden's not astronomically tall for his age... haha!)

the kids had a chance to get a Spiderman tattoo. Brayden was SO excited!

showing me his tough face. Also, does anyone feel like he looks 15 years old in this picture??? Gah, I hate how old he's getting!

think he likes to pretend he's a super hero much? ;)

how precious is he?!?! I think this is the cutest birthday picture EVER!
Saturday afternoon I had to run back to Walmart for a few snacks, and to finish Connor's haircut (we had a few loose ends from the day before that the lady told us we could come back for if it dried funky... and it did). Connor and I got into the car after shopping right when it started downpouring. I was smiling all the way home at the storm we were getting... we are SO dry here and are DESPERATE for rain! When I got home, I knew Drew felt the same way, as I found both he and Brayden playing out in the backyard, dancing in the rain. I love that he's such an awesome dad :)

LOVE this picture of them

Saturday evening we had some friends over for dinner after the kiddos went to bed. It was great catching up with them and getting great parenting and marriage advice.
Today we helped out in the nursery at church, and then played hookie from the actual service so that we could meet up with our friends at the lake :) I was worried about rain and chose not to bring my camera, a decision I kind of regret since we had great weather the entire time we were on the water. Brayden was SO brave this time out, and even got on the tube, not once, but twice! He laughed the whole time. So glad he's over his tubing phobia. Connor screamed a lot, which is nothing uncommon these days. He did fall asleep for a bit which helped, but overall he just is not a fan of water, and it doesn't bode well when you're actually ON the water :) We had fun nonetheless, and by the end he was pretty content to sit and watch the other boats zoom by and talk about the water. We're all zapped from the sunshine, but came home grateful not only for the great friendships the Lord has blessed us with, but the creation He has created for us to enjoy.
We have a busy busy week planned at our house, including a trip to Sam's to see if they can salvage my tire... it has not 1, but 2 nails in it :( Bummer, especially considering it's only 5 months old. Here's to waiting for hours at a retail facility with two preschoolers in tow! Cheers!