Friday my cousin, Sarah, watched the boys for us so that we could go on a much-much needed date. We went and ate Mexican food and then caught a showing on the new Batman movie. It was so good to get out as just the two of us! Since Brayden loves to take pictures with my phone, I snagged our little photog and had him take a picture of us before we left :)

a little fuzzy. We tried others, but honestly this was about as good as we got.
Saturday Drew worked for a bit in the morning while I ran errands. We spent most of the afternoon at home. I needed to run on a quick trip to Hobby Lobby for a few things so that we could hang our antique window frame, so I took the opportunity to take Brayden on a mini "date." (he had asked the night before when I was going out with Drew when he could go out with me. Sweet boy!). He was SO excited to go on a date with me... which was super cute. We held hands the whole ride (I did it even though my shoulder felt like it was getting pulled out of socket from reaching to the back seat), and he kept telling me how much he loved me. As much as he stretches me, he melts my heart into a million pieces on a nearly daily basis. We ended our trip by picking out candy at the gas station and sharing an icee.

Not the most flattering picture of me. But I needed to document this date with my little man :)

The boys played outside in the backyard for a while after dinner, and I snapped a few pics of their backyard adventures. I love that they're becoming best friends. It makes my heart happy.

I love this picture so much. Like, so much.

We had some sweet friends hand down this cute little car for Connor to use. It's perfect for him, and is HILARIOUS to watch him drive around the backyard. The first day he used it, Brayden and I sat on the patio and cracked up. He reminds me of a little old man putting along in his cruiser. In this picture he's saying "HIIII!" as he passes by me

I also got a "cheeeeeeeese!"

He also tries to drive Brayden's 4 wheeler, which is slightly terrifying, especially when he revs up the turbo speed and goes flying recklessly through the yard, straight for the fence.

bad to the bone.

He does NOT like it when Brayden tries to take the 4 wheeler back

Really. Not. At. All.

pure drama I tell you

Brayden said "mom, will you take my picture. I'll do a cute smile, like this." haha

the cute smiles don't last long :)

this picture makes me smile. Gotta love the air he gets.

It always ends with a wrestling match.
Today was just an average Sunday at our house. I got a pedicure while the boys were napping, and then we watched Olympics and folded laundry... what can I say, we live a fabulously entertaining life ;) The boys DID get to eat chips and salsa after dinner (it's THAT much of a treat). I spotted Connor drinking out of the bowl towards the end. Silly boys

I'm hoping we can actually get our window up on the wall, as I'm ready to show yall the super cute pictures we chose to put in the frame!!! Hopefully that will be revealed later this week. Hope yall have a great week!