This morning I woke up like always, sat in bed reading my bible and then prayed for my day. Then, like most days, I turned on my tablet to check my mail. And I came across a comment in response to my post about my strong willed child (by the way, you guys rock at giving us advice. We've already implemented several things that were suggested, and while he's still had a handful of epic tantrums, I've also seen twice where he CHOSE to do good instead of melting down. It's a start, and I'll take small fruit over no fruit at all. I digress for now.)...
Anyways, the comment said something that made me really sit back and think. It said "stop with the praying over him [Brayden.] Weird!" The comment was made anonymously, so I figured if one person posted this, I'm sure there might be others out there that feel the same way. That praying over my child and his tantrums is weird. So I got to thinking. Why is it that I pray over Brayden, specifically regarding tantrums? Because it works. Ask me how I know it works... I can list off about a million and one prayer requests, but I'll narrow it down to just a few of the ones recently:
- My best friend's baby, Olivia, born just shy of 24 weeks gestation. She beat the odds. God has healed so many of her ailments common to premature babies. And she's home with her mommy and daddy! She is an answer to prayer!
- My friend's little girl Sophie. Doctors told my friend to abort early in pregnancy because there were complications that would put my friend's life at risk, and it was highly probable that Sophie wouldn't make it. Guess what? The complications went away and Sophie was born healthy and full term. The doctors had no answers. I do... God answers prayer.
- During our Christmas break, it seemed improbable that we would sell our house and find another in our price range that was what we wanted. We prayed, and almost 2 months after we prayed to the Lord, He responded with the sale of our home and the purchase of our new one. Our realtor was amazed with how smoothly everything came together, and so quickly. It was unprecedented. Guess what? I pray to a God who is in the business of answering in unprecedented ways.
- my blog friend (well, even though we've never met in person I really consider her an IRL friend) Laura is a prayer warrior. Read her blog and you will see sewn throughout her story is answers to prayer. I'm pretty sure if you asked her she would say it works!
I could go on, but I'll stop. My point is not to shove it in anyone's face the answers to prayer, but to show that God has proven again and again to me that He is faithful in listening to the cries of His children. I have no earthly answers to why Brayden is acting the way he is. Sure, it's definitely part of the age he is at, but I want to make sure that if he is under spiritual attack, that as his mommy I stand in the gap for him and pray to the God of hosts who can defend Him spiritually in ways I may not be able to do. Our battle is not in flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). Is it weird? To some, maybe. My prayer for those who think it's weird is that God somehow will be so evident to you that there is no way for you to refute Him. Until then...I'm ok with being weird.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago